bible code 4
and more calculations. can they be led by God if their bible code predictions never happen? 2 Thes. Although it is true that God sometimes relents, yet God will still give 3, 429-438. I have already demonstrated in a previous article that the statement bhar hem lid yeshu (meaning: On the mountain they are next to Jesus) is encrypted in Zechariah 4:7-5:9 at an ELS of every 67 letters. var dom=document.getElementById You were told to watch for it on this website! Though you may link to our site, do not copy, use, or replicate in anyway our hard work without prior written authorization as we charge $10,000 a day. Theomatics Expore all questions with a free account. We Calculate that the Kingdom of God has begun. RAYEL I Am The Lord. You are about to see an incredible 3D animation about this time period. Stop pursuing college, long term careers and riches of the flesh. Examine everything you believe and why you believe it. ELS random placement model text population*, Elokim : An example of Equidistant Word Sequences (EWS), Bible Code phenomenon : Equidistant Letter Sequences, Bible Code phenomenon : Equidistant Word or Expression Sequences (Primers), User Guide, FAQ and Video demo available online, compatible with Michigan-Clairmont transliteration scheme, Export your findings (matrix, legend and report) in bmp or jpg format, Save your work in a Project File and load it when you want to resume work, Torah book : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Control Texts : Torah and Tanakh monkey texts, War and Peace, Torah book : Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, NEW! This is an educational and possibly spiritual site. Also, not every bible code prediction necessarily has to be in our 3,The Mark of the Beast; Ch. All your information you submitted to is encrypted. The Lords Witnesses. Cosmic Codes - A Series: The Bible Codes - Chuck Missler - Koinonia House would die out would be a number with about 2000 zeros after it! I am arguing that God deliberately encrypted the word his testaments at the beginning of this vision, in order to provide additional proof that the two olive trees in this vision ultimately represent the Old and New Testaments. Original Bible Foundation. of hurricanes between 2004-2011 and when they each would happen! document.write('') Neat! Feb.16, 2016 Newsletter Israeli Defense Force Chief "rabbi" made world news headlines by dancing with a radical extremist "rabbi". A growing number of people believe that the Bible Codes reveal key names, phrases, related terms and even complete sentences relevant to current and historical events. The Howard Hughes book was another reporting scoop: Mr. Drosnin discovered the identity of one of the burglars who had broken into the Hollywood offices of Mr. Hughess company in 1974 and obtained the stolen memos from that mystery person. The best way to explain what the "Bible Codes" is, is by using an example. Even now I, personally, may lose my best, and well needed, cleaning customer simply because people are afraid to go to the dentist! And it is only increasing and will never decrease until Jesus returns. This is just a Our mission is to provide the proof of an intelligent designer (GOD) of our lives, our world, and possibly the universe. crossobj.innerHTML='
' 25:31-40; Zech. The True Bible Code: The Bible Code (Based on "Moth Bible Code"). IL2-4 Quiz Micaiah Adeoba 0 . Bible Code Free : The Cryptic Cipher Puzzle Game 12+ - App Store If the skip is equal to +1, the text is read normally; if the skip is equal to -1, the text is read in reverse; if the skip is equal to +10, the text is read a letter on 10 and so on We search for all appearances where the text gives us the search term. and like rottenness to the house of Judah.". 4:1-14) functions within the biblical canon as a symbol of the completed Holy Bibledivided into two testaments containing 39 books and 27 books. Or, "President Obama must have read momentous revelation! 15:25). The Uncovering the truth was the means and the end.. We are not giving you any personal advice even if it seems so as we are not health professionals. (Direct): Prophecies that were given directly to me via either reading the bible with the special divine gift of truly understanding scripture, or via dream, or via the gift of prophecy, or divine revelation or Jesus speaking to me via The Holy Ghost, etc. Note about the three circles of the Moth Bible Code. It is then possible to find equidistant letter sequence (ELS) of one or more terms. Then came The Bible Code III (2010), but by that time the novelty had worn off; it did not make the best-seller list. of all, they do not proclaim Jesus as Lord! January of 2009 that this economic recession would not else Five codes were found touching down in Isaiah 41:2-4. Greek Reverse Interlinear Layout for Hebrews 4:13 3. Thnx for all. Is the writing-on-the-wall Bible Code for Saddam Hussein, Downloads: 0 This Week Last Update: 2013-04-24 See Project PowerSong GOD LOCATING ANCIENT, GIFT ALLAH ENGRAVER, ABIHAIL - Father of Might. So please click here for undeniable proof.) Original Bible Codes preloadedimages[p].src=fadeimages[p] The study and results from this cipher have been popularized by Michael Drosnin's book The Bible Code. :1 Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman: 3 If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; 4 Then var fadeimages=new Array() To sum up then: judgment first begins at His house, and then spreads to the nations. if (ie4||dom){ It was discovered and put on the internet as the 12 comets began tempobj.innerHTML='
' The bible-code word, "Elijah," runs in parallel with the Bible-code word "Yeshua:" It begins on the very next letter and runs in parallel with this second bible code-"Yeshua," (i.e. See, "2011 function startit(){ with Tanakh translations in : Special offer: Help us translating the ABD Pro software from English or French into your native language and get a free licence! Michael Alan Drosnin was born on Jan. 31, 1946, in Brooklyn and remained a lifelong New Yorker. Copyright 2020-2023. This is best summarized in John 3:16, which says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. fadeimages[12]="images/1-10-moth bible code-3-cross.gif" 9 ('94) No. Also, Jesus led me to prophesy in advance that there would be a fake Jesus to appear in the sky that would occur on April 1, 2018, but that it would really be the demonic Son of Perdition "antichrist". Bible Codes a Lie That Won't Die - The Forward (Revelation 19:10). Glazerson relies on a concept known as Bible Codes, sequences, clusters and complex word associations found in the Torah and believed by some to contain hidden messages that were placed there. Try our first release as well, Holmes Free : the. It is the discovery, in the hebrew text of the Bible, of related words appearing not casually close to each other within a small size matrix. Parsing Code. Jesus is the wonderful secret to all the codes. Will preloadedimages[p]=new Image() IL2-4 Quiz questions & answers for quizzes and worksheets - Quizizz They make no sense numerically WHERE TO LISTEN: Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Radio Public, and Spotify. Thus, the moth of God symbolizes Jesus---our Creator! There are two main processes :
Bible Code is compatible with Android version 4.x and up. Their babbling codes make no sense, nor do they form images! (Direct) A major Korean war can not begin until after the middle east war occurs first. Fulfilled, click here to see what the March 14th event was! Bible Codes Are a Lie That Won't Die - Jewish World - Their purpose was not only to give off light, but also to divide the day from the night on earth, thus . dozens tempobj=ie4? billion-billon. The Bible Code (book) - Wikipedia Please see Blue Letter Bible's Privacy Policy for . Contemporary discussion and controversy . dropslide=eval(temp) This Bible layout provides an inline view of the Bible text with MGNT or TR Greek inflections, parsing codes, and Strongs data in the English word order. I do not know where all this will end up. Download your free copy and take advantage of the best in Bible Code. 1. of a genuine bible code. WESTWARDS THE PLENARY RAYMOND ME RAY YAH THREATENER, As most of you know, Raymond Elwood Lear was falsely imprisoned (. KingJamesPureBibleSearch download | (Also see, "20 proofs It has been popularized by Michael Drosnin's best-selling book, The Bible Code.4 Drosnin's book, published by Simon and Schuster in 1997, has found its way onto the (nonfiction) best-seller list of the New York Times. 5. Fulfilled: On Sept. 19, 2019, Israel and Saudi Arabia joined together in air strikes against Iranian targets along the Iraq/Syria border. Torah Codes: Scientific Statistical Discussion 5 . Not a coincidence The rabbi says that this should bring us to repentance and that all of this which is happening cannot be a coincidence. - Watch Feb. 23, 2008 (True Purim) for possible event. Torah and Bible Codes on the following pagessearched by Richard Ruff,former Australian Armoured Corp soldier, Peacekeeper and Truth Seeker. Best regards. Saudi Arabia and Iran are in the process of war! Ch. In a previous post, I demonstrated that the golden candlestick (Exod. Remember Job's comforters! setTimeout("rotateimage()",pause) We will see USA directly attack Assad. } PDF The Bible Code - If it testifies that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, it is of God; if it doesn't testify that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, then it is not of God (1 John 4:1-3). that is at the middle of the predicted seven-year period. var pause=500 //SET PAUSE BETWEEN SLIDE (3000=3 seconds) //This credit MUST stay intact for use "+curcanvas) : document.getElementById(curcanvas) How to find a statistically significant matrix ? Within just two days of being posted, this video already has 3.7 million views. (Just as water and blood flow from the moth or butterfly as it hangs upon the branch, and is about to enter into a new heavenly realm.) Bible Code and the Acrostic Bible The book, "Bible Code Statistics: Biden, Impeachment, Sinister, Threatened, Mandatory, Mutation, COVID, Mistrust, Antibody, Discrimination, Forced, Protest, Delta, Virus, Vaccination, and More!" is D. Patrick Bickerdike's new release and attempt to enjoy another side of the Bible. Michael Drosnin, author of the Bible Code books, in an undated photo. He responded, That I dont have to believe in God or anything in the Bible.. Barry Simon on Torah Codes 3. For example, see the "Lion code. Bible Codes Software I did not have to go back and give excuses for why a prediction did not Continue with Google. Mr. Drosnin died on June 9 at his home in Manhattan. (For that article posted on our forum back on Jan. 17th, see The above is a codewith a long sequence of equidistant letters that form words and phrases. This has always been my policy and will always remain my policy. "+what) : document.getElementById(what) This was fulfilled! This is why the first 1260 letters of the code are in Hebrew and the second 1260 letters are in Babylonian, (i.e., Aramaic). Repent of all traditional Babylonian doctrines. By spreading the word, I think Michael would say he had done something of great good., Michael Drosnin, Who Found Clues in the Bible, Is Dead at 74, Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing; but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. However, there is a strong hint of grace over law in the code, since the worm-to-a-moth, (which means 'waster'), is formed by the repeated symmetrical use of the name "Moses" (who symbolizes the 'Law)', whereas the branch reads, only as they reveal Him---not visa versa.). They showed Mr. Hughes trying to buy influence with politicians, including Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon. See1260d.comfor As a Hebrew school student, Michael Drosnin was asked to write down what he had learned. This is because, unlike the . Daniel 11:40 When the two olive trees are viewed as the Holy Scriptures as exemplified in the Old and New Testamentsthe meaning of prophetic vision is suddenly unlocked, and we are able to understand that what John the Revelator was being shown was the Satanic war against the Holy Bible. Click here to subscribe to our newsletter/notifications mailing list. This involves another recently discovered Bible code in Zechariah 4. This is best summarized in John 3:16. 4: Will Israel Save the World? of a genuine bible code".) var curpos=10 We hope that Bible Codes plus will make it simple and easy for everybody, scholars and non-scholars, advanced researchers and beginners, to do their own Bible research, and thus get personal evidence of the omnipotence of God. Bible Code - A brief history of Bible Codes presented by the Internet's most up-to-date site on Bible Codes: Featuring news and analysis about latest findings. A Primer on the Torah Codes Controversy for Laymen 4 . It is a loving spanking--a controlled anger. Bible Prophecies for 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 - I Saw The Light because He is the broken branch that the prophets so often speak, (1260 + 1260 days = 7 years of 360 days, Revelation 11-13; cf., Zechariah 11-13). Click for pictures & other proof. most recent articles! if (curpos<100){ var degree=10 As I stated in a previous article, this conclusion is further reinforced by the prophetic vision of Revelation 11, where the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit makes war against the two olive trees. In the days before this, Iran conducted a massive missile strike against Saudi Arabia which was also very historic. Acts 2:38 New American Standard Bible (NASB) Peter said to them, Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Download Bible Code 3.1 for Windows - Download KingJamesPureBibleSearch for free. The 2020 New SARS-like Virus Bible Code, SARS/Moth Bible Code (The moth is what I was going to do, but I relented." Bible Code - Yeshua Codes in Isaiah 40-46 All were 18 or more letters long. The Still lost? It was stated that Feb.23 & March 23-25 was related to dancing while armies attack or gather to attack. So please click here for undeniable proof. And when I see Jesus "lifted up," then my own strength returns, and I have the courage to speak these wonderful things. Multiple confirmations that Raymond Lear - RayEl - is the Messiah. Grow in knowledge of Him and His will. Initially discovered by Professor Rips, absolute mathematical proof ofthe "GodCodes" with the Father confirming the Son, found in the book of Genesis. function rotateimage(){ Also, patterns Click here to see proof of these specifics, be baptized by full immersion of water in Jesus Name, Click here to learn about the Holy Days of The Kingdom of God, Click here to learn about the Babylonian names that you must denounce, Click here to learn how to prepare physically for the Great Tribulation. Cookie Notice: Our website uses cookies to store user preferences. Iran continues to seize oil tankers, pretty much every week now. (Isaiah 38:22). wave of Swine Flu would strike. Extend or contract array as needed We search ELS of the MasterWord and ELS of the SlaveWords. ABD Pro sofware is suitable for novice users that want to experience the Bible Code phenomenon, as well as for advanced researchers that want to use the best Bible Code Software available today. In that article I went on to explain how Moses and Elijah function within the biblical canon as personifications of the Old and New Testaments, and I showed how this can be biblically demonstrated in multiple ways. (and Video). READ MORE Click here to visit our Facebook page. Isaiah 41:2-4. 81 Paperback 35 offers from $2.31 God Code: Unlocking Divine Messages Hidden in the Bible Timothy P. Smith He was 74. Still, Mr. Drosnin had a high batting average as an author. In yet another previous post, I also made the related claim that the two witnesses (symbolized as two olive trees in the Zechariah 4 vision) are Moses and Elijah, who themselves function within the biblical canon as personifications of the Old and New Testaments. Therefore, repent and believe the good news about Jesus the Savior! Natural Health / Audio & Video / The Alpha & Omega Bible / Men's ministry Bible Study Tools / Worship services / World News 24/7 Prayer requests / Donate / Other C o n t a c t Torah Codes have been discovered on Julian Assange and posted in the Celebrity Codes page. Bible Study Manuals: the Bible Code, a Biblical Perspective The Bible code of Isaiah 53: "Jesus is my name." - Behold The Stone They discovered uncanny combinations. V. Isaiah 41:26. While adhering to very strict software regulations you can be certain that your results will be very reliable. When his Holy Spirit descended from the clouds in the Middle East (Jerusalem), it entered our realm with a flash like lightning, and instantly traveled to the West (U.S./Mexico International Zone), to join with the Son of Man, RayEl. the Law---and their judgment is as that of an enemy. of hurricanes between 2004-2011, 20 proofs This game has no connection with the similarly-titled book by Michael Drosnin. Template:Hidden messages The Bible code (Hebrew: "), also known as the Torah code, is a series of messages alleged to exist within the Bible text, that when decoded form words and phrases supposedly demonstrating foreknowledge and prophecy. It is a video of a cloud, but not just any cloud. Many critics found the book unscientific, arbitrary and curiously weighted toward people and events relevant to an American living in the 20th century. The Wise Shall Understand, The Daniel 12 Code Revealed either. His niece Wende Gozan Brown said the cause was heart disease. The Bible Codes are like Intelligent Design: religion garbed in science that, while obviously flawed to actual scientists, seems credible enough to laypeople. March 24, 2016 Newsletter on March 23-24, Obama made headline news by dancing, while the Syrian government military began a military campaign to retake the city of Palmyra which is the city that held the temple of Baal/Bel, which was destroyed by ISIS in August 2015. ////NO need to edit beyond here///////////// fadeimages[5]="images/2b-4-moth-cocoon-bible-code.gif" The limitation of the Bible Code The Bible Code is limited to the Old Testament. "blood of salvation" and "amazing (trembling) Grace." back then, I was able to accurately predict when the two separate waves Free book available. The message doesnt alter the course of events Mr. Rabin was shot and killed a year later but, as Mr. Drosnin writes, it was dramatic confirmation of the Bible code. Mr. Drosnin based his book on that research, adding discoveries of his own., pub-4331939769774858, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0. Its promise of ancient prophecy revealed through modern computing was ripe for a culture awakening to the possibilities of the internet and digital technology. It is the kind of cloud that seems to know exactly where it wants to be. These are more reliable than the ones listed as "Others". March 23, 2016 Newsletter On March 22, ISIS hit Brussels, Belgium with terror suicide bombs. We will denote the main term as Masterword and related terms as SlaveWords. var crossobj=tempobj=ie4? , written by D. Online Ordering Security. //SET IMAGE PATHS. One cannot say afterward, "O Well, the bible code prediction Conclusion on the Bible code in Zechariah 4 The Bible code in Zechariah 4:1-2 is yet another member of a large body of irrefutable biblical evidence which collectively points to the inevitable conclusion that the two olive trees in the Zechariah 4 vision represent the Old and New Testaments. Things came into increasing focus as the time grew (Posted July 9, 2017, Well before Trump had any success with Kim Jong Un. timing of Saddam Ra-El, RayEl, Converge, & there was God & there was Alpha Ra-El. His marriage to Nona Cleland ended in divorce. The Bible Codes. The Gospel The word Gospel means Good News, and the Good News is that you can be saved by grace through faith in Yeshua (Jesus). The fact that the words; "Jesus is My Name" was not too . This series of articles is being excerpted from Chuck Missler's forthcoming book, Cosmic Codes, scheduled for publication in Spring 1998. from the Mayan Calendar!!! I know that most people never took this prediction seriously because I Jun 3, 2012. FATHER R.LEAR SON. The people who first advocated the use of ELS were Jewish rabbis and their focus was mainly on the Torah. rotateimage() The Bible Code is a 1997 book by Michael Drosnin. That may sound like an Indiana Jones plot, but The Bible Code had its roots in science. He, fully God, became fully man for us! Put The Almighty and The Kingdom of God first in all things. cannot contain." If you filter the results by view count, you will realize that the top videos have hundreds of thousands of views each. The codes are dreadful and fearful until Christ becomes their focus---and the mist They are 13, 22, and 14-letters long. clearInterval(dropslide) (They did. Each of the original Bible verses is coded with a deeper meaning and even single words can be loaded with GODs messaging to humanity. Bible Codes: 2/3 of World's Population will Die by Sept 2021 as Also see the predictions and subsequent There are specific rules to decipher this hidden code! Furthermore, the body of the moth (3 letters) reads "my moth" (and can also read, "My Creator"), but backward it reads, "Salvation," or, "Jesus." This is a free online resource. distant future. Can you even begin to imagine what it will be like? Things played out exactly to the day Bible Code: With Cosma Shiva Hagen, Olivier Sitruk, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Joachim Fuchsberger. "(John 3:16 HNV). the bible code on the internet and then took warning, and so did not get Rabbi Glazerson cited a Jewish tradition that the War of Gog and Magog will begin on the last day of the Biblical feast of Sukkoth, referred to as Hoshanna Rabba. comets". That's impossible. if (crossobj.filters) The graph also revealed the word, "Tishrei ()" the month in which Sukkoth takes place. bible code (along with the sign of 9/11) predicted In fact, their are Jewish rabbis who take the bible codes very seriously. We then remove all punctuation, spaces, and we make all the letters the same case (lower case or upper case). -1- -2- -3- -4- (-5-) In the early 1990s, the Israeli mathematician Eliyahu Rips and his colleagues performed an experiment in which they laid out the 304,805 letters of the Torah like a giant crossword puzzle and then performed a skip-code computer search. warned people, but it did not happen because people took warning Matthew 24:27"For just as lightning goes out from The East and appears unto The West, so will the coming of The Son of Man be. - the first is to calculate the R-factor (statistical value) of each ELS that appears in the matrix and thus compute an approached probability of the matrix,
It features colorful, non-violent graphics, digitized sounds, and word categories such as Apostles, Bible Stories, Books of the Old Testament, Books of the New Testament, . He is the 7-years broken covenant. quick example. The book became an international best seller and sparked wonder, debate, criticism and two sequels.
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