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athena royale script pastebin

@atcmd_parameters$[0],"9") == 1 || compare(. @i]; setarray .@opt_p1[.@c],@inventorylist_option_parameter1[. "; dispbottom "--------------------------------------------"; dispbottom "> 1 = Alberta | 2 = Aldebaran | 3 = Dewata"; dispbottom "> 4 = Einbech | 5 = Einbroch | 6 = Geffen"; dispbottom "> 7 = Gonryun | 8 = Hugel | 9 = Izlude"; dispbottom "> 10 = Lasagna | 11 = Malaya | 12 = Morroc"; dispbottom "> 13 = Moscovia | 14 = Niflheim | 15 = Payon"; dispbottom "> 16 = Prontera | 17 = Rachel | 18 = Splendide"; dispbottom "> 19 = Veins | 20 = Yuno"; } else if(compare(. @c*6-1] == "1")? "; mes "If you have donated but have not made a claim,"; mes "Please give us time to process your donation. @loot,( (.randlimit == 1)?rand(1,.heal_limit):.heal_limit); // Getting the Item ID via the Array Index. @a,0; . "Duo":"Squad"))+"] (Inactive)":"")+ ( (. @id+"::OnBRStart"; setd(".@zone_c_x_"+. deletearray getd(".Downed_"+.@BR_ID+"[0]"),getarraysize(getd(".Downed_"+. @BR_ID))+" seconds. setarray .@opt_id1[.@c],@inventorylist_option_id1[. @BR_ID)+"-"+@BR_Downed_Spot; doevent "#BR"+( (. setarray .@opt_id2[.@c],@inventorylist_option_id2[. You have placed rank "+. 6 min ago 7 min ago @atcmd_parameters$[0],"15") == 1 || compare(. set .@x1,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+. You'll just need the Athena Royale creative code: 3206-9524-5936. @l+"]"); setarray .@OptVal[getarraysize(.@OptVal)],getd("@inventorylist_option_value"+.@o+"["+. @cards[0],4379,4468,4506,4052,4278,4524; // Bakonawa, Bangungot, Buwaya, Cornutus, Echio, Entweihen Crothen. If version. setarray getd("$@BR_RegQ"+.@id+"["+getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+. @o)); deletearray getd("BR_EQ_OPT_VAL"+.@o+"[0]"),getarraysize(getd("BR_EQ_OPT_VAL"+. @p,0; . return ( (. It gives you the possibility to fly, teleport, get unlimited cash and unlock all the special attributes. @o <= 5; set .@o,. "; mes "Are you sure you want to claim "+@zeny+"Z for $"+@total+"? @BR_ID,atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(2),3)); set .@z,getvariableofnpc(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID),"BR_Arena#"+. setarray getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"[0]"),getd(".@zone_c_x_"+. if(@inventorylist_bound[. @m)); break; set . todo-related-topics-no-data //= 3.4 - Added MySQL version check. @BR_ID) - getd(".last_zone_size_"+. @BR_ID+"[0]"),26,25,206,227; //setarray getd(".rew_place_"+. @i,0; . @c < .arena_size)? @m,3; // Set range of area around the Player for makeitem, switch(getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[. "; if(getpartyleader(getcharid(1),1) != getcharid(3)) {. donpcevent "#BRZ"+.@BR_ID+"-"+. getmapunits(BL_PC,strnpcinfo(4),. @a + 1), if(isloggedin(.@pty_aid[.@a],.@pty_cid[. setarray getd(".rew_place_"+. set .@or,rand(getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(.@e+13)+"]"),getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. @BR_ID)) ); if(checkcell(strnpcinfo(4),getd(".@zone_c_x_"+. setarray .@id[.@c],@inventorylist_id[. Pastebin . // Note: If you want to change the item reward, change it also in the BR_Shop above! // Note: You can increase this value, but you also need to add more duplicates to match it; Search for "duplicate(BR_LootBox)", // > .downed_slots = How many slots of NPC Duplicates are for downed players available? debugmes ". @BR_ID)) == 0). "Aldebaran","2","15","50",""+.m_level,"0". @p,0; . @s + 1) {, while(1) { // Moving the Loot Boxes to random locations, which are passable/walkable. @rmin1[0],10,10,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1; setarray . @t + 4). @BR_ID+"[0]"),57,93,383,255; setarray getd(".area_"+. set . @s,1; . @e+"::OnBRStart"; donpcevent "#BRZ"+.@BR_ID+"-"+. 7 min ago set .@er,rand(getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(.@e+9)+"]"),getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. @g+"]"); setarray .@OptVal[getarraysize(.@OptVal)],getd("BR_EQ_OPT_VAL"+.@o+"["+. "Splendide","2","20","50",""+.m_level,"1". this script for rush point gives you, aimbot, esp and other features which makes the game super easy to play and win footer-imprint-headline footer-terms-of-service footer-data-headline . "; menu "Headgears",L_headgears,"Weapons",L_weapons,"Cards",L_cards,"Zeny",L_ZENY; query_sql "SELECT "+@value$+" / "+@price$, @max; mes getitemname(@name[@m])+"s cost $"+@price$+" each. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"13") == 1 || compare(. @calc,(getarg(0) + getarg(2))*getarg(1); dispbottom "[Battle Royale]: You have recieved "+. -- Modified by me am nub so that it prints in dev console whether aim is on or off. @type) && getd(".Timer_"+. )TOGGLE_VIS_KEY = nil Enum.KeyCode for the key to press to toggle the full visibility of the GUI.loadstring(game:HttpGet(\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/angeld23/raw-text-host/master/Temporal.lua\", true))() : https://vk.com/Pikaaafn : Pikaaa#9999 TRX: https://trx-roblox.com/ru | 12.98 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. Some assembly required. Section 22, Law (1993: 1007) Everyone may quote from published works in accordance with good practice and to the extent motivated by the purpose. @p,1; . @name$+"]^000000 ====="; mes "Do you want to start an Battle Royale? @y; movenpc "#BRZ"+getarg(5)+"-"+getarg(4),getarg(2),. Aug 16th, 2021. @z < getarraysize(getd(".zone_"+. This video is not hacking-related as I'm trying to show them an exploit/glitch for the game.Also, I do not infringe any kind of copyright, everything I use in my videos are self made. Check Textbin Scripts https://venuslockscript.com/textbin-scripts/ no linkvertise More Games Script: https://venuslockscript.com/ Script Link: https://. @id) == 1 && . 7 min ago @o,1; . "s":"")+" to register! Never . Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. @r,(getarg(0)/getarg(1) > 0)?getarg(0)/getarg(1):getarg(1); // Defines the reward of the last place if its above 10 or the actual rank for the .rew_place variable. Script Link: https://venuslockscript.com/ Game Link: https://venuslockscript.com/hunterx Show. mes "Welcome to the Battle Royale Arena! @id),"BR_Init")); set .@p,. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. @e+14)+"]")); // = Put in the ID's for the respective Random Option Slot, they will be randomly selected. //===== ToDO =================================================, //= Optional: Add a check to define the server type (pre-renewal or renewal), // (Would affect Classes and Random Options), //============================================================, // Note: This below is a to prevent deletion of non-storeable equipments, like WoE Gear so it won't get deleted/dropped accidently, if(getarg(0) == 4) { // Load saved Equipment, for ( set . debugmes "X1["+. "Duo":"Squad")+" has placed rank "+. close. 4832,4833,4834,4835,4836,4837,4838,4839,4840,4841, // > Neutral Resistance/Immune: 4933,4934,4935,4848, // > Special : 4853,4854,4855,4856,4857,4858, // > Conjure (Spell): 4885,4886,4887,4888,4889, // > Highness Heal, Coluceo Heal, Archbishop, Bear's Power, Runaway Magic, Speed of Light, Muscle Fool, Hawkeye, Lucky Day, // > 4803,4804,4805,4875,4876,4877,4878,4879,4880. "; mes "Please enter the donator's username:"; query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '"+escape_sql(@donator$)+"'", @aid; query_sql "SELECT `amount` FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid, @donated$; query_sql "SELECT '"+@donated$+"' > 0", @donated; query_sql "DELETE FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid; logmes "Deleted "+@donator$+" from donation database"; mes @donator$+" is not a donator and has been deleted from the donation database. @s < getarraysize(.br_shop); set .@s,. @BR_ID))); BR_Reward(@BR_Kills,getd(".rew_place_"+.@BR_ID+"["+.@place+"]"),getd(".rew_base_"+. @i]; setarray .@opt_v3[.@c],@inventorylist_option_value3[. Pet Simulator X INSTANT RAINBOW LEAKED USE BEFORE PATCH! @l] != 0) { // If Random Options are used. @BR_ID)/60 > 1)?"s":""):getd(".zone_time_"+. set .@id,getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+. "; mes "I'm sorry, but you can't register currently for the chosen Arena, since it's still in progress. @BR_ID); set .@x2,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(. @BR_ID)+1)+"]"),5,0xFF0000; // Right Bottom Corner, viewpoint 1,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+2)+"]"),. @rmax2)+", "+getarraysize(. @s + 2). @rand3[0],RDMOPT_DAMAGE_CRI_TARGET,RDMOPT_RANGE_ATTACK_DAMAGE_TARGET; // ================== Armor ==================. @BR_ID))-1)+"]"),cell_landprotector,1; for ( set . @y; npcskilleffect "WZ_ICEWALL",1,getarg(2),. "; mes "About what do you want to learn more? | 13.28 KB, JSON | @cards[0],4252,4418,27018,4283,4430,4079; set .@cs,rand(0,getitemslots(.equip[. @BR_ID+"[0]"),30,25,241,241; setarray getd(".area_"+. mes "It seems like you can't reset your starter weapon. setarray .@opt_id4[.@c],@inventorylist_option_id4[. @q < getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+. @accid); // Saves every party with each member for later usage, for ( set . @e+5)+"]")); if(getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. setarray .@opt_id3[.@c],@inventorylist_option_id3[. // > .rew_base = Minimum (Base) Points of Reward. | 0.24 KB, JSON | @l,0; . @BR_ID)*1000); // Timer until the Zone actually moves, // Removing the cell_landprotector flag from the current zone of the until next zone. Requires Trunk 7975. Updated 2021 script for Arsenal, fixed bugs in the ESP, optimized launch, and reloading. @a_menu$ + ( (getd("$@BR_Status_"+. @r == 3)?4:. @BR_ID+"[2]")); set .@y,rand(getd(".area_"+.@BR_ID+"[1]"),getd(".area_"+. @x,getarg(1); movenpc "#BRZ"+getarg(5)+"-"+getarg(4),. @BR_ID)); sleep 2000; // Let the players finish loading. @w,0; . @r < $@partymembercount; set .@r,. @BR_ID)+3)+"]"),8,0xFF0000; // Middle Top. @BR_ID),rand( (getd(".area_"+.@BR_ID+"[0]")+getd(".last_zone_size_"+.@BR_ID)),(getd(".area_"+.@BR_ID+"[2]")-getd(".last_zone_size_"+. @BR_ID+"[0]"),44,89,143,262; setarray getd(".area_"+. @w + 1), if(getarraysize(getd(".BR_PTY_"+getd(".BR_PTY_Total_"+.@BR_ID+"["+. Roblox Island Royale Silent Aim Script 2022 is new, updated, and tested working. BR_TxTColor(2,"Assassin Cross of Sunset"); if(select("- Reset Starter Weapon:- Restore Equipment") == 1) {, if(getvariableofnpc(.BR_StartWeapon,"BR_Init") == 0 || !BR_WeaponType) {. @es,1; . @l+"]"); setarray getd("BR_EQ_OPT_VAL"+.@o+"["+.@s+"]"),getd("@inventorylist_option_value"+.@o+"["+. @a]) == 1) {. @p < getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(getd(".rew_place_"+. @i]+"]: The Arena has been opened. set .@a_menu$,. bindatcmd "brstart",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnAtCommand",.Arena_Access; // ===== Battle Royale Shop (only Costumes) =======, // - Item ID for cost is set in header of NPC "BR_Shop", // Add every item from the .br_shop array, for ( set . "; mes "You have $"+@value$+" worth of credit! @p <= .arena_size; set .@p,. ",bc_all; deletearray getd(".Downed_"+. @BR_ID+"[0]"),101,31,302,257; setarray getd(".area_"+. "; mes "Please enter the amount donated by "+@donator$; if(@version) query_sql "SELECT CAST('"+escape_sql(@donating$)+"' AS DECIMAL)", @donating$; query_sql "SELECT '"+escape_sql(@donating$)+"' > 0", @valid; mes "You have specified that "+@donator$+" has donated $"+@donating$+". @rand2[0],RDMOPT_RACE_DAMAGE_HUMAN,RDMOPT_RACE_MDAMAGE_HUMAN,RDMOPT_RACE_CRI_PERCENT_HUMAN,RDMOPT_RACE_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_HUMAN,RDMOPT_RACE_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_HUMAN,RDMOPT_CLASS_DAMAGE_NORMAL_TARGET,RDMOPT_CLASS_MDAMAGE_NORMAL,RDMOPT_CLASS_IGNORE_DEF_PERCENT_NORMAL,RDMOPT_CLASS_IGNORE_MDEF_PERCENT_NORMAL,RDMOPT_DAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_TARGET,RDMOPT_MDAMAGE_SIZE_MIDIUM_TARGET; setarray . setmapflag strnpcinfo(4),mf_nocommand,99; // * Restricted Skills for custom Zone 9 > 8192. setmapflag strnpcinfo(4),mf_restricted,9; set . @i < getarraysize(. setarray .arena$[0],"Alberta","2","20","50",""+.m_level,"0". @rpar1); deletearray .@rand2,getarraysize(. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. ",bc_self; announce .n$+": You have died outside the zone. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. @c+"]")) {. @o <= . @c] + 1; // Increase the Counter of Random Options for later, if(@inventorylist_option_id2[. Any DMCA take down(s) towards our videos will be immediately replied to with anotification forcing you to attend at Norwegian courts in order to keep the strike on our channel.What is Roblox Exploiting?Common ROBLOX Exploits allows you to cheat and unlock special abilities that usually costs real money for free. @BR_ID)-1)+"]"),cell_landprotector,0; setcell strnpcinfo(4),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+1)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)-2)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+. 4720,4721,4722,4723,4724,4725,4726,4727,4728,4729, // > INT: 4710,4711,4712,4713,4714,4715,4716,4717,4718,4719. //= A script that lets a player claim an item for donating. @m < getarraysize(.mf); set .@m,. @i],2) == 3 || getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[. local flytoggle = false. npcskilleffect "WZ_ICEWALL",1,getarg(0),. @e+"]"); setarray .@OptParam[getarraysize(.@OptParam)],getd(".@opt_p"+.@o+"["+. @c*6-6] + ( (. @e+10)+"]")); else if(!getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. For example, Phantom Forces doesn't use humanoids. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. @BR_ID)%60 == 0)?getd(".zone_time_"+. Are you sure you want to create this branch? @rmax1)+", "+getarraysize(. 3 min ago @c4; makeitem 12007,1,.@map$,rand((.@x-.@m),(.@x+.@m)),rand((.@y-.@m),(.@y+. setarray . @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Prontera") == 1), else if(compare(. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"7") == 1 || compare(. doevent "BR_Arena#"+getd(".BRID_"+strnpcinfo(2))+"::OnClearSpotEvent"; setd(".PTYID_"+strnpcinfo(2)),getcharid(1); addtimer 1000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnResCheck"; while(. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. @BR_ID); set .@y1,getvariableofnpc(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(.@z+1)+"]"),"BR_Arena#"+. "; mes "Every @Command is disabled and only a few Skills are enabled. //= Thanks to Vich for helping me with the SQL syntax. -- To toggle aimbot on/off, press "F". @atcmd_parameters$[0],"20") == 1 || compare(. @atcmd_command$+":"; dispbottom "Note: You can use the ID or the Name! "; switch(prompt("- Novice:- Swordsman:- Mage:- Archer:- Acolyte:- Merchant:- Thief:- Ninja:- Gunslinger:- Taekwon:- Summoner")) {. ":":""); // Set different variables for easier access to the required data, // Reset variable if respective arena is not active, if(getd("$@BR_Status_"+. mes "It seems like there are either too many or too less members in your party. setarray .@OptID[getarraysize(.@OptID)],getd("@inventorylist_option_id"+.@o+"["+. ",bc_all; for ( set . | 14.50 KB, JSON | @c] + 1; if(@inventorylist_option_id3[. : ---island royale UPDATED AIMBOT SCRIPT 2021-X_CHANGE = 0.1 The change in camera angle on the X axis upon moving 1 pixel on 0.36 sensitivity.Y_CHANGE = 0.13 The change in camera angle on the Y axis upon moving 1 pixel on 0.36 sensitivity.MOUSE_OFFSET = Vector2.new(0, 0) The offset (in pixels) of where the script should think the mouse is.USE_RIGHT_CLICK = true Whether or not to still use right click for locking on.USE_LEFT_CLICK = false Whether or not to use left click for locking on.AIM_KEY = Enum.KeyCode.E Enum.Keycode for the key to press when you want to lock onto someone.NO_HUMANOIDS = false Whether or not to check for Humanoids in the characters. @y,CELL_CHKLANDPROTECTOR) == 0) {. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Alberta") == 1), else if(compare(. @rpar2); deletearray .@rand3,getarraysize(. //= only shows items that can be afforded. @pub_txt$,"Registration - "+getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+.@p))+"/"+atoi(.arena$[. @z + 4) {. @x1 <= (getd(".area_"+. This is work in progress and subject to change. @e,0; . @s <= . if(getcharid(1) != getd(".PTYID_"+strnpcinfo(2))) end; if(playerattached() != getcharid(3)) end; if(countitem(717) == 0) // Give required Blue Gemstone. @id); set .@e,. npcshopadditem "BR_Shop",.br_shop[.@s],.br_shop[. @BR_ID)); deletearray getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"[0]"),getarraysize(getd(".zone_"+. "; mes "Please go back and claim an item instead. @BR_ID+"[0]"),137,47,267,209; setarray getd(".area_"+. @rpar1); debugmes "rand2 - "+getarraysize(. "; mes "To show our appreciation, we will gladly give you a reward. @BR_ID+"[0]"),44,26,267,365; setarray getd(".area_"+. @l]; setarray BR_EQ_EQUIP[.@s],@inventorylist_equip[. If you want to play Athena Royale for yourself, it's completely free within Fortnite Creative mode. @rmax2[0],10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10; // 3rd Random Option Slot - Crit/Range Damage Multiplier. @i] == getequipid(EQI_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW) ) {. @p + 1), if(isloggedin(.@pty_aid[.@p],.@pty_cid[. @e+11]) // If random amount of Enchantments is enabled. @i]; setarray .@c2[.@c],@inventorylist_card2[. @BRZ_Start) { // Zone Damage Tick Delay until first zone has been displayed, if(checkcell(strnpcinfo(4),.@x,. @rand2)+", "+getarraysize(. @l_y2 && . //= Thanks to Skotlex for implementing escape_sql. @BR_ID+"[0]"),66,81,362,274; setarray getd(".area_"+. @rand1[0],RDMOPT_VAR_MAXHPAMOUNT,RDMOPT_VAR_MAXSPAMOUNT,RDMOPT_VAR_STRAMOUNT,RDMOPT_VAR_AGIAMOUNT,RDMOPT_VAR_VITAMOUNT,RDMOPT_VAR_INTAMOUNT,RDMOPT_VAR_DEXAMOUNT,RDMOPT_VAR_LUKAMOUNT,RDMOPT_VAR_MAXHPPERCENT,RDMOPT_VAR_MAXSPPERCENT,RDMOPT_VAR_HPACCELERATION,RDMOPT_VAR_SPACCELERATION,RDMOPT_VAR_ITEMDEFPOWER,RDMOPT_VAR_MDEFPOWER,RDMOPT_VAR_AVOIDSUCCESSVALUE,RDMOPT_VAR_PLUSAVOIDSUCCESSVALUE; setarray . We hope you enjoy your gift! @accid); set .@i,. @o <= .@opt_ct[. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Niflheim") == 1), else if(compare(. @d+"]"),1; enablenpc "#BR"+( (. @l]; setarray BR_EQ_C2[.@s],@inventorylist_card2[. "; mes "Sorry, but you do not have enough to claim "+@zeny+"Z. "; switch(select("Deduct an amount from "+@donator$,"Remove "+@donator$+" from the donation database")){. announce "[Battle Royale]: You're entire equipment has been restored. 2 min ago @i] == Bound_Account) continue; // Ignore equipped Costume Top + Middle + Lower Headgear.

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athena royale script pastebin