vorlesungsverzeichnis uni köln wiso
One elective (Management Skill Seminar) was already open for registration. Bitte beachten Sie hierzu auch unsere speziellen Informationen zu diesem Thema. Semesterbeginn: 01.10.2020: Beginn der Vorlesungen: 02.11.2020 (vorbehaltlich der Bestätigung durch das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW) Ulrike Decker, +49 221 470-1281, available Tue, Wed & Thu 9 am to 12 pm or by appointment. If you have any questions, you can contact the Business English team via wirtschaftsenglisch wiso.uni-koeln.de. Wenn Sie einen WISO-Account haben, For one, doctoral students can be part of one three doctoral study programmes in … We are already in contact with some of you who might not be in Germany at the moment and do not have German citizenship. Using a single interface, you can search all the resources that are available at Münster University. UCD has Ireland’s leading economics department. Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, We continue recognising CEMS accredited cultural institutes, where students should be able to continue their commercial language courses through online delivery. If you have never completed an internship or are not able at all to find one until October 2020 (the last day to start an internship and graduate in 2020 is Monday, 12 October 2020), we are very sorry but the CEMS graduation in 2020 will not be possible for you. Das verbindliche Vorlesungsverzeichnis können Sie im Hochschulkommunikationssystem KLIPS 2.0 einsehen. The WiSo Faculty has signed a new agreement with UCD’s School of Economics in addition to the already existing agreements in other subject areas. Students who embarked on a bachelor or master programme before the 2015/16 fall term and are not studying on a teacher training programme will find all the information they require here. UoC fall term 2020/2021 (your CEMS term 1): The CEMS fall term is scheduled to start promptly on 1 September but will remain online until further notice. Aktuelle Informationen zu Studium und Forschung an der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät ("WiSo-Fakultät") der Universität zu Köln. in welches BA-Jahr/Semester, ob Sie mehrere Fächer studieren dürfen, ob es Kurse gibt, an denen Sie nicht teilnehmen dürfen). ein kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis) gibt. Founded in 1854 UCD now draws over 30,000 students from over 139 countries per year, including almost 5,000 students based at locations outside of Ireland and it is Ireland's largest university. Semesterhälfte: 19.10.201 Universität zu Köln. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by possible spontaneous adjustments that may occur in the STAP process due to circumstances beyond our control (force majeure). Sie sind hier: UHH > WiSo-Fakultät > Fachbereich Sozialökonomie > Forschung > Forschungsseminare > Quantitative Wirtschaftsforschung Quantitative Wirtschaftsforschung The research seminar “Quantitative Economics” is jointly organized by professors of the Department of Economics and the Department of Socioeconomics . Juni 2016, zuletzt geändert am: 10. CEMS Corporate Partner Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield participated in this year's CEMS Block Seminar which was themed "Climate, Energy and the Business Response". From the academic year 2020/21 on, the University of St. Andrews is available for an exchange term for bachelor students (Economics) within the ‘STAP programme‘ that is run by the WiSo Faculty’s International Relations Center (ZIB WiSo). Please contact us by phone or send an email to the respective contact person in order to arrange online consultation. If your term abroad was already scheduled for spring, nothing has changed for you. Universität zu Köln Vorlesungsverzeichnis (generiert, vorläufig) Wintersemester 2015/16 Seite 1 WIRTSCHAFTS- UND SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTLICHE FAKULTÄT 1. Electronic Resources Through multi-faceted academic exchanges with major overseas universities in joint research and collaborative education, Kobe University acts as a ‘hub campus’ that attracts talented personnel from around the world and equips students with an international perspective. Ebenfalls können Sie mit der/dem Mitarbeiter*in direkt Kontakt aufnehmen. For Skype name, please enquire by email, we will answer as quickly as possible. The exchange is open for students of the WiSo Faculty within the bachelors and masters programmes in Economics starting from 2020/2021. The CGS organizes doctoral training at the WiSo Faculty. Postanschrift Universität zu Köln WiSo IT-Services Albertus-Magnus-Platz 50923 Köln. As the EU has closed its borders for non-EU citizens, you will not be able to get back to Cologne at the moment. Due to the special circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's seminar was presented in a virtual setting. Dezember 2016 Anbindung von WiSo-Netzlaufwerken auf Windows-Geräten Vorbemerkung Normalerweise benötigen Sie diese Anleitung nicht. WiSo Studierenden-Newsletter Bibliotheksführungen, Kurse der Universitätsbibliothek zur Literaturrecherche sowie zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten Erstellt am: 7. Students planning to undertake a commercial language exam at a CEMS accredited cultural institute have two options: 1. hold out for an online exam to be held in the future (it is not guaranteed that it will be offered) 2. plan sitting for an exam at the next available date (end of summer or early autumn). Tel. See here for a screenshot of the event. The International Relations Center is seeking to hire an Operations and Communication Manager starting 1 February 2021. For individual guidance please contact your respective STAP coordinator. Queries on the application process: You can finde more information about our programmes as well as the application and admission procedure on our website. Please click here for up-to-date information and FAQs for the fall 2020/21. Please note that the ZIB WiSo office is closed from 19 December 2020 to 3 January 2021 for the holidays. Universität Potsdam Professur für Allgemeine Soziologie August-Bebel-Straße 89 14482 Potsdam . Sie erreichen uns telefonisch unter: 0221 470-5681 und 0221-470-4436. Die Vision einer gemeinsamen und dadurch besseren wirtschaftlichen Zukunft treibt seit jeher den Europäischen Integrationsprozess an. Login with Student IT Account: Please enter your University of Cologne IT account username. You can find information on current measures taken by the University of Cologne here. Kobe University is one of the oldest and largest national universities in Japan. Per E-Mail sind wir unter wipaed-sek wiso.uni-koeln.de erreichbar. For Zoom, please enquire by email. WU is not only the largest business and economics university in Europe, but also one of the best. Registration is possible until 15 July 2020. Created: 20. Please click here for up-to-date information and FAQs for the spring 2021. The internship is still a mandatory part for graduating from CEMS. Applications for the STAP programme are now open. Click here to view. Master students can take the course as part of their extracurricular modules. WiSo Studierende 320px 480px 640px 786px 1024px 1280px 1440px Über das Modul Ausgewählte Fragestellungen können Sie die vom Institut angebotenen (steuerrechtlichen) Veranstaltungen des jeweiligen Semesters belegen, die Sie nach Ihrem Modulplan nicht unmittelbar belegen können. Als Gasthörer*in können Sie sich Ihren persönlichen Stundenplan fach- und fakultätsübergreifend aus dem Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Universität zu Köln auswählen. If you are interested in participating write an email to wiesen@wiso.uni-koeln.de (no later than March 19, 2017). Universität zu Köln Vorlesungsverzeichnis (generiert, vorläufig) Sommersemester 2017 Seite 1 WIRTSCHAFTS- UND SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTLICHE FAKULTÄT 1. Informieren Sie sich gleichzeitig, in welche Fächer, Kurse und Jahre Sie eingeteilt werden (z.B. Universität Potsdam WiSo Fakultät/Professur Politische Theorie August-Bebel-Straße 89 14482 Potsdam . Regarding the Case Studies, the respective lecturer will inform you about further proceedings regarding their course. Hier haben Sie auch die Möglichkeit, sich innerhalb der Vergabephase für Veranstaltungen anzumelden. Any changes will be communicated in a timely and transparent manner to all parties involved. Students of the WiSo Faculty within the bachelors and masters programmes in Economics can do an exchange term within ZIB WiSo's ‘STAP programme' at the Faculty of Economics, Kobe University starting in 2020/21. Angesichts der gegenwärtigen Krise und ihrer zerstörerischen Folgen, wird diese Zukunft zunehmend in Frage gestellt. Here you can find information on current measures taken in regard to the corona virus (Covid-19) from the Rectorate of the University of Cologne and from the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences. Liebe Studierende, im Wintersemester 2020/21 bieten Ihnen die Lehrstühle für Wirtschafts- und Sozialpsychologie eine Fülle spannender Veranstaltungen an. Informieren Sie sich frühzeitig, ob es an der Partnerhochschule einen course catalogue (z.B. Suchbegriff eingeben Finden. The CEMS Block Seminar, Global Strategy Course, Business Communication Skill Seminar and Management Skill Seminar will all be conducted online. Registration for 'Business English' and 'English for the Social Sciences' language courses in the spring term 2021 will open on 15 January 2021. For further information and to apply, please visit the University of Cologne job portal. Starting from fall term 2020/21, bachelor and master students of the WiSo Faculty have the possibility to spend an exchange term within the ZIB WiSo's ‘STAP programme' at Tampere University, Finland in the study area of Political Sciences. Students interested in a term abroad in 2021/22 can apply until 15 January 2021. The Cologne CEMS Block Seminar was taught by an interdisciplinary team, consisting of Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Bettzüge and international faculty from the CEMS and UoC networks, and supported by representatives from the private sector. The series starts on 20 July 2020 on the topic "Building Your International Career" with guest speaker Dr. Joann Halpern. Zusätzlich werden jeweils für einzelne Fakultäten spezielle Veranstaltungen u.a. Tampere University is one of the most multidisciplinary universities in Finland. Please let us know about your current status if you are not in Germany right now. Informieren Sie sich gleichzeitig, in welche Fächer, Kurse und Jahre Sie eingeteilt werden (z.B. Im Studium Integrale bietet die WiSo-Fakultät Studierenden anderer Fakultäten der Universität zu Köln insbesondere Einführungsveranstaltungen im Bereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Volkswirtschaftslehre (Mikro- und Makroökonomie) und Sozialwissenschaften an. The WiSo Faculty has suspended any face-to-face counselling for the time being. E-resources during the corona crisis; Library Catalog. A commercial language course needs to have at least 60 contact hours (teaching units) but is accredited for any level from A1 on. Bibliotheksführungen, Kurse der Universitätsbibliothek zur Literaturrecherche sowie zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten, Erstellt am: 7. In addition, the official authorities in your current country of stay and in Germany (e.g. 91 Raum 1.38 50931 Köln Tel. No new provider of online commercial language courses/exams is recommended due to lack of clarity on quality of learning/testing. It comprises 14 graduate schools and 11 undergraduate faculties, and holds about 16,000 students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs. : +49 331 977-0 Fax: +49 331 977-3291 E-Mail: Sabine.Eichler@uni-potsdam.de (This also applies to CEMS Term 2 guest students.). WiSo-Career-Service | Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany. Darüberhinaus können Sie sich dort auch nur die Veranstaltungen des Kunsthistorischen Instituts … : +49 (0) 221-470-3764 evaluationszentrum wiso.uni-koeln.de. in welches BA-Jahr/Semester, ob Sie mehrere Fächer studieren dürfen, ob es Kurse gibt, an denen Sie nicht teilnehmen dürfen). The University of St Andrews itself has been named UK University of the Year. Zukunftsvorstellungen im Zeichen der Krise - Wie die Europäische Union um die Deutung einer unsicheren ökonomische Zukunft ringt. The WiSo Faculty's interdisciplinary approach brings together its four disciplines: Management, Economics, Political Sciences and Sociology. The official communication by the CEMS Global Office regarding languages is as follows: Second/third language CEMS graduation requirement (commercial options): Please remember: A commercial exam such as DELE (for Spanish) or DELF (for French) needs a minimal level of B1. For further information and to apply, please visit the University of Cologne job portal. Zusätzlich werden jeweils für einzelne Fakultäten spezielle Veranstaltungen u.a. Kontakt . Tampere University brings together research and education, for example, in the fields of economics, technology, health and society. As reflected in the Faculty's stated mission to deliver "Innovation for society", excellent research coupled with close ties to business have resulted in top positions in a variety of rankings. 3K likes. Aktuelles Serviceangebot: Nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung können Sie uns wieder PCs/Laptops zur Ersteinrichtung vorbeibringen. Counselling is offered online, offices are closed for visitors. UCD is also Ireland's most globally engaged university, with a current ranking within the top 1% of higher education institutions world-wide. Dr. Petra Welge, Director of Legal gave a talk on "Sustainability in the building sector", and Patrick Wagner, Human Resources Manager presented insights on job opportunities and career paths at URW. The University of St. Andrews is the oldest university of Scotland and has been named UK university of the year.
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