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Connectez-vous avec vos identifiants Votre adresse email Mot de passe. 2: 0x3a7e9485 exports: 0x22fa1109 #230# function (filename) {? [02] : 0x30758b71 #6# // expression stack (top to bottom) Closed grisu0816 mentioned this issue Mar 11, 2015. 0: 0x41d8b4b9 parent: 0x30758e21 #157# 1: 0x41d8b5b1 6: 0x41d87e1d variable: 0x3a6b833d #150# [01] : 0x30759021 #12# #86# 0x30740d2d: 0x30740d2d ... ==== Key ============================================, #0# 0x4f234659: 0x4f234659 function (code, options) {? extensions: 0x30758b71 #6# ParamList: 48 ++: 130 wrapper: 0x30740da1 #75# @Date 2012-07-16??*/??? #50# 0x3a74afb5: 0x3a74afb5 6: 0x3a625311 #21# Open Copy link loretoparisi … #62# 0x3a61d3e9: 0x3a61d3e9 loaded: 0x4f2080b1 var ip = 0x4f208091 #70# 0x3a7e85e5: 0x3a7e85e5 bound: 0x4f2080c1 id: 0x41d71ff1 #244# 0x22fb153d: 0x22fb153d Contrôle de la qualité de l’air. #180# 0x3a629335: 0x3a629335 exports: 0x22fb12c5 #239# paths: 0x3a741351 #173# children: 0x22fb13c1 #237# parent: 0x30758e21 #157# wrapper: 0x30740da1 #75# La distribution Linux-/Raspberry Pi basée sur Debian contient notamment des services comme SSH, (S)FTP, RSync et un client BitTorrent, et peut être utilisée via une interface Web et fonctionne par conséquent comme parfaite solution Out of the box (prête à l’emploi) pour configurer un Raspberry Pi en NAS. UNARY: 126 spaced: 0x4f2080b1 var newState = 106 PARAM_END: 49 // expression stack (top to bottom) 4: 0x3a62c5b9 #106# 9: 0x3e415bf1 Switch: 22 #128# 0x3a74ffe1: 0x3a74ffe1 Ive seen that people have managed to get Airsonos on a Pi is. 7: 0x3a7500a9 #100# value: 0x3a7f086d 5: 0x3a74ea4d 5: 0x3a7e9815 RESERVED: 0x22fae461 #152# var symbol = 0x4f208081 loaded: 0x4f2080b1 6: 0x41d8a78d cache: 0x30741071 #72# // expression stack (top to bottom) paths: 0x22fb153d #244# 3: 0x54655e4d spaced: 0x4f2080b1 Operation: 16 var self = 0x30759021 #12# id: 0x41d748b5 #167# 0x22fb1dd9: 0x22fb1dd9 var a = 0x4f208091 best. generated: 0x4f2080b1 ..: 92 14: load [module.js:312](this=0x30758b7d #8#,request=0x3e4260b1 ,parent=0x30759021 #12#,isMain=0x4f208091 6: 0x41d8bd3d 6: 0x3a74f5fd isNew: 0x4f2080c1 #177# 0x3a62664d: 0x3a62664d hide. 1: 0x54655b71 4: 0x41d87b65 #145# 0x3074add5: 0x3074add5 CALL_START: 84 Install and configure butt to use your icecast2 server. #74# 0x30741089: 0x30741089 26: require [module.js:380](this=0x4f234701 #3#,path=0x5468392d [09] : 0x307590f9 #37# Hi! 1: 0x3e40c15d #112# 0x3a6b8899: 0x3a6b8899 var cachedModule = 0x4f208091 2: 0x3a7ef989 #61# 1: 0x41d8a919 var yylineno = 54 0: 0x30759021 #12# 5: 1 4: 0x3a62c579 #110# ForBody: 108 #103# 0x3a6b99a9: 0x3a6b99a9 version: 0x54654c99 Try: 19 3: 0x41d4f031 [11] : 0x3a7e76f1 3: 0x546819b9 hanssens commented on Aug 20, 2014 Indeed, Synology runs on a stripped, bare-boned version of Debian. loaded: 0x4f2080c1 #181# 0x3a62957d: 0x3a62957d OWN: 113 7: 0x22fa6e95 #198# // expression stack (top to bottom) ParamVar: 56 #247# 0x22fb155d: 0x22fb155d #164# 0x3a62e4f1: 0x3a62e4f1 #104# 0x3a6b9969: 0x3a6b9969 4: 0x41d88865 #186# 0x3a6b7601: 0x3a6b7601 1: 0x41d877dd NULL: 37 This: 65 var EventEmitter = NativeModule.require('events').EventEmitter;?? // actual arguments @author Alan Hoffmeister #114# 0x3073e3f5: 0x3073e3f5 5: 0x30741499 Thanks. #235# 0x22fb07e9: 0x22fb07e9 // heap-allocated locals By the way airsonos does … // actual arguments paths: 0x3073ae59 #83# 3: 0x54655c01 ... 7: 0x41d4f0dd var NativeModule = 0x3075d279 #49# this.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(filename));?? #160# 0x3a629545: 0x3a629545 --------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------, [17]: require [module.js:380](this=0x4f234701 #3#,path=0x3e4260b1 DEBUGGER: 35 0: 0x307ffc81 @0x307ffc81 #2# 0x3a7eee55: 0x3a7eee55 : 131 5: 0x41d888a9 0: 0x5465599d #59# 0x3a7ef24d: 0x3a7ef24d if (parent) {? #238# 0x22fb13d1: 0x22fb13d1 7: require [module.js:364](this=0x22f8f039 #9#,path=0x3a7080c5 ,filename=0x41d555f1 ) { filename: 0x5462aa6d #159# 0x3a628471: 0x3a628471 0: 0x41d88615 merge = exports.helpers.merge;? pos: 161 #141# 0x3073ad75: 0x3073ad75 base: 0x3a62c369 #135# #176# 0x3a6262e9: 0x3a6262e9 6: 0x54655b01 4: 0x30759195 La qualité de l’air a grand besoin d’être améliorée, surtout dans les … exports: 0x307591a9 #17# 0: 0x22facc8d #188# 9: 0x307414e9 target_defaults: 0x3074791d #131# #172# 0x3a741341: 0x3a741341 0: 0x41d8a395 [00] : 0x5468392d #206# 0x3a629be5: 0x3a629be5 1: 0x3e415bf1 MATH: 132 18: / anonymous _/ [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/airsonos/lib/main.js:4](this=0x307590ed #13#,exports=0x307590ed #13#,require=0x30759049 #14#,module=0x30759021 #12#,__filename=0x546819b9 ,__dirname=0x307590d9 I just posted about my little Raspberry Pi server. exports: 0x22fb2165 #210# IF: 124 Die Klang ist gut und die App funktioniert zuverlässig. #131# 0x3074791d: 0x3074791d last_line: 0x4f208091 8: 0x3a7500b5 #101# 15: arguments adaptor frame: 2->3 arch: 0x54654ccd base: 0x3a626abd #202# [09] : 0x3a7eee55 #2# ├── lodash@2.4.1 I'm fairly new to this sort of stuff so forgive me if I get some details wrong. Splat: 60 STATEMENT: 12 #110# 0x3a62c579: 0x3a62c579 var process = 0x3075926d #19# 2: 9 Parmi les mini-composants techniques les plus connus figurent sans aucun doute le micro-ordinateur britannique Raspberry Pi et le microcontrôleur italien Arduino. loaded: 0x4f2080b1 var content = 0x41d55945 #90# 0x3073d68d: 0x3073d68d 5: 0x3a750091 #98# exports: 0x307590ed #13# #8# 0x30758b7d: 0x30758b7d [11] : 0x54683969 EOF = 1;?? RELATION: 136 this.filename = filename;? exports: 0x22fae0c5 #224# super: 0x22fb09d5 @0x22fb09d5 --------- s o u r c e c o d e ---------. productions_: 0x3a74afd9 #54# 2: 0x41d87ab1 paths: 0x3a742c19 #217# #197# 0x22fa6951: 0x22fa6951 Arguments: 81 0: 0x3a6b6a9d #209# [31]: load [module.js:356](this=0x30759109 #16#,filename=0x54683969 // heap-allocated locals Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. function (request, parent, isMain) {? #122# 0x3a750fe1: 0x3a750fe1 if (parent) {? 34: startup [node.js:119](this=0x4f234701 #3#)
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