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27, 10551 Berlin Moabit // "The Public and Private Realm" continued, 27.05.17/ Archive Kabinett, Müllerstraße 133, HH, 13349 Berlin Wedding // "The Public and Private Realm" continued, 03.06.17 / Südblock, Kotti circle, Admiralstr. New: Hannah Arendt Research Society of Japan : The Hannah Arendt Research Society of Japan was established for promoting research and active discussions on Arendt’s thought across disciplinary boundaries with diverse viewpoints. Can it be that the political principle of checks and balances is not sufficiently refined in its present state to guarantee the capacity for action of big politics and its various levels? Plurality entails two aspects: equality and difference – we are all humans, but everyone is exceptional in her or his uniqueness. Wie HA in ihren Schriften bereits analysiert hat, bleibt Pluralität auch in Demokratien bedroht durch gesellschaftliche Ungleichheit, Bürokratismus, durch die Lüge im öffentlichen Raum und - wie der französische Soziologe Didier Eribon in seinem 2016 erschienenen Buch „Rückkehr nach Reims“ beschrieb -, durch die Vertreibung unterer Schichten aus dem politischen Diskurs. Since Arendt wrote, the involvement of politics and epistemology, of power and knowledge, has undergone an intensive, interdisciplinary investigation, which has transformed the university, especially in the humanities. Erst im Denktagebuch und in den Kant-Texten des Nachlasses wird die Frage des re-präsentativen Denkens ausführlicher erörtert. New on the ZfL BLOG: Henning Trüper on philology, reading, and methodology. Documentary film-maker Ada Ushpiz tells Screen about charting the life and, fertile mind of a great thinker in her new film. She was a thinking person. We aim to deepen our understanding of Arendt’s thought, and to nurture the ability to think about modern society through multidimensional dialogues among researchers and laypeople. In her Denktagebuch and the posthumously published Kant Lectures the question of representative thinking is addressed more extensively. Greg Yudin (Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences) –, Paderborn University, 13th – 15th December 2018. denktagebuch bd 1 1950 1973 bd 2 1973 1975. denktagebuch 1950 1973 2 volumes set co uk. In Vita Activa, The Spirit Of Hannah Arendt, she hones in on Arendt’s early writings, focusing in particular on her most famous work, Eichmann In Jerusalem, based on the, trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1961, for his role as an administrator supporting the. von Ursula Ludz und Ingeborg Nordmann in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Hannah-Arendt-Institut, Dresden. Moreover, Arendt’s own positions have been many times criticized for going beyond admissible, from her nuanced reflection on Holocaust to alleged contamination by Nazi philosophy. A look at the life of philosopher and political theorist Hannah Arendt, who reported for 'The New Yorker' on the trial of the Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Tradition. Tillich-Bau read more . professor Martin Heidegger, who was later discovered to be a Nazi sympathiser. denktagebuch bd 1 1950 1973 bd 2 1973 1975. rodrigo 2 / 29. chacon instituto tecnológico autónomo de méxico. and especially bio-political, consequence of the sciences, it is no longer clear that such a distinction is tenable. Neuerscheinung Out now: “Die Schlacht von Stalingrad” by Matthias Schwartz. Angesichts der sich überschlagenden Ereignisse der letzten Jahre – den Kriegen im Nahen Osten, der Bedrohung der Menschenrechte, dem Anstieg populistischer und nationalistischer Bewegungen und der drohenden Auflösung der Europäische Union – zieht sich durch viele aktuelle Diskussionen und Kommentare die Befürchtung, dass wiederum etwas an ein Ende gekommen ist: die Nachkriegsordnung, wie sie insbesondere in den Verträgen zur europäischen Union und der Verankerung der Menschenrechte in den internationalen Beziehungen zum Ausdruck kommt. hannah arendt denktagebuch neuerscheinung piper verlag. Arendts Forderung nach einem international abgesicherten Recht, Rechte zu haben, wurde weltweit als inspirierende politische Anregung aufgenommen. Hier ist mit Arendt zu betonen, dass die „westlichen“ Gesellschaften nicht in einer reinen Demokratie leben, sondern in einer Republik mit starken demokratischen Elementen, den demokratischen Wahlen und der Möglichkeit zu Volksentscheiden. 2c2a denktagebuch 1950 … Arendt grew up in Hannover, Germany, and in Königsberg, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia). Without plurality, a political space cannot develop, nor can a common world between men emerge. 1-2, 10999 Berlin Kreuzberg // "The Public and Private Realm" continued, 10.06.17 / Südblock, Kotti circle, Admiralstr. Arendt’s words on the subject of being a refugee, for example, run over footage of, people being loaded into lorries, a soup kitchen for Jewish refugees in Paris in the. I. Papers should be submitted by October 1, 2017. Please submit your proposal via email ( by 15th February 2018. - Weltbürger, Menschenrechte, soziale Gerechtigkeit. For this issue of, we are looking for reflections, essays, and exercises in political thought that attempt to frame how we can think of nature politically, starting from, in contact with, or in tension with Arendt's thought. über Lüge, Macht und Gewalt erneut zu diskutieren und nach ihrer Bedeutung für die Gegenwart zu befragen. Ohne Pluralität bildet sich kein politischer Raum und keine gemeinsame Welt zwischen den Menschen, aber Pluralität lässt sich nicht eins zu eins in politisches Recht umsetzen. Die Kontinuität der abendländischen Geschichte, so befand sie, sei „wirklich durchbrochen“, der Traditionsbruch „eine vollendete Tatsache“. This period in Arendt’s life resulted. Roman. hannah arendt denktagebuch zvab. She defined his thinking and his way of life as the origin of the line of political thought that focuses on the concept of plurality. Abstruse and arbitrary as these constructs of history are, their effect remains untouched. Are there any positions and ideologies to be disqualified from public debate? Hannah Arendt. When Hannah Arendt wrote her first great book, she was under the impression that totalitarian rule and World War II had brought a historical tradition to an end. As Arendt analysed in her writings, plurality remains threatened in democracies by social inequality, by bureaucratization, by public lying and—as French sociologist Didier Eribon in his Returning to Reims from 2013 points out—by the expulsion of lower social strata from political discourse. When Ada Ushpiz’s timely documentary Vita Activa, The Spirit Of Hannah Arendt, exploring the roots and legacy of the legendary philosopher’s thinking, premiered at. “I did a lot of. 1930s and images of Hitler addressing his followers. Does the concept of plurality provide an appropriate tool to scrutinize and “reform” this political principle? It replaces the common political acting of the many. The lessons from Arendt’s controversial biography for present-day politics are still to be drawn. The general erosion of reality and truth as it appears in the age of digitalization (sorry, it’s digitization, which I learned at the Library of Congress) and globalization is likewise a topic of interest. The distribution of the DVD is restricted to the US and Canada region. nino rota albums songs discography biography and. denktagebuch 1950 1973 2 … También es un anciano de 98 años que sigue trabajando en su jardín de Minneápolis, donde vive desde que huyó de Ucrania al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial más, Departing from the thought of Hannah Arendt, In 1967 Arendt published an article on “Truth and Politics” in the New Yorker in response to historical exigencies, that resonate with those presented today by the so-called “post-truth society.”. Obwohl Arendt schon sehr früh, d.h. in dem Text „Understanding and Politics“ (1953), am Beispiel von Kants Einbildungskraft das erweiterte Denken anspricht, hat sie ein ganzes Leben gebraucht, bis sie sich wieder diesem Thema zuwandte. “For, me,” concludes Ushpiz, “the work of her final years was in many ways even more, Editions Kimé, Collection / Série : Philosophie en cours, Im November 2016 veröffentlichte der Piper Verlag eine ungekürzte und durchgesehene Taschenbuchausgabe von. 'hannah arendt denktagebuch neuerscheinung piper verlag April 10th, 2020 - hannah arendt denktagebuch neuerscheinung piper verlag juni 1961 jerusalem mit adolf eichmann steht eine schlüsselfigur des der zeitraum von 1950 bis kurz vor ihrem tod 1973 umspannt die mitte der texte die ausgabe selbst folgt der gewählten textstruktur der autorin die ihre' 'denktagebuch 1950 1973 2 bände … Taking totalitarian movements as an example in her book on totalitarianism, Arendt demonstrates convincingly how mechanisms of adapting to the inside and dissociating from the outside world work. 78 best hannah arendt images hannah arendt hannah. denktagebuch 1950 1973 2 bände de ludz. So abstrus und willkürlich die Geschichtskonstruktionen auch sind, ihre Wirkung bleibt davon unberührt. Arendt's grandparents were members of the Reform Jewish community there. It also prompts examination of interplay with other theorists (such as Agamben, Butler, Cavarero, Foucault, or Merleau-Ponty). Zentrum für Holocaust-Studien, München (Munich, Germany). 78 best hannah arendt images hannah arendt hannah. Der Kosmopolitismus der Menschenrechte schien nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges und nach der Einrichtung eines internationalen Gerichtshofs in Den Haag eine reale Chance zu sein, die Basis für die internationale Anerkennung der Menschenrechte zu erweitern und zu sichern. The presentation time is 30 minutes with additional 10 minutes for discussion. Please check our website (à “Über uns”) for details of “Beitragseinreichung (paper submission).”, An ICI Berlin event, organized by Benjamin Lewis Robinson, in collaboration with Bard College Berlin and the Hannah Arendt Center at Bard College in New York more, La banalidad del mal y la terrorífica normalidad de los nazis, Hannah Arendt nos recuerda los peligros de la irreflexión, El Lobo es el apodo de Michael Karkoc, un criminal nazi responsable de la muerte de al menos 44 hombres, mujeres y niños en 1944. The encounter withHeidegger, with whom she had a brief but intense love-affair, had alasting influence on her thought. In many cases, Arendt seems to transgress the traditional dichotomy of nature and culture, and introduce a third (e.g., world, understanding, judging). Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), est née en 1906 à Hanovre (Allemagne), dans une famille juive.Elève de Martin Heidegger puis d'Edmund Husserl, elle soutient à 22 ans son doctorat sur "Le concept d'amour chez Saint Augustin", sous la direction de Karl Jaspers - qui restera son véritable maître à penser jusqu'à la mort de ce dernier en 1969. Hannah Arendt hat in ihrem Totalitarismusbuch am Beispiel totalitärer Bewegungen eindrücklich gezeigt, wie der Mechanismus von Vereinheitlichung nach innen und Abschottung nach außen funktioniert. “Her relationship with Heidegger was complicated,” says the director. Ein aktuelles Beispiel sind die von Stephen Bannon aufgestellten Geschichtskonstruktionen, auf die Norbert Frei in einem Artikel in der SZ vom 4./5. interviews but decided in the end it was important for her to tell her own story, through her own words, either in interview or her writing,” explains Ushpiz. But how is it possible that big politics appears to be increasingly powerless when human rights are at stake and civil society alone shows itself capable of acting? webzine1kult. Kann der Begriff Pluralität helfen, dieses Prinzip kritisch zu hinterfragen und zu „reformieren“? Out now: “Chor und Theorie” by Maria Kuberg. Vita Activa, The Spirit Of Hannah Arendt. While acknowledging the inevitable implication and interminable contest between truth and politics, Arendt attempts to make the case for a rigorous separation of truth-telling from political praxis, which is nonetheless. Hannah Arendt interviewed by Roger Errera for French television in 1973. She remains as popular, if not more popular, than, when she was alive because she was ahead of her time.”, “She is beyond post-modernism. This workshop explores how Arendt’s political concepts can be used in establishing the justified limits for public discussion and promoting public politics today. She realized that the tradition of Western political thought since Plato had merely treated the notion of human plurality in passing. An annual meeting is held early September every year. Only in the constellation of republic-democracies can, according to Arendt, plurality be guaranteed. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Hannah Arendt is a 2012 German-Luxembourgish-French biographical drama film directed by Margarethe von Trotta and starring Barbara Sukowa.The film centers on the life of German-Jewish philosopher and political theorist Hannah Arendt. Einzelheiten zur Beitragseinreichung bitten wir, unserer Webssite (-> „Über uns“) zu entnehmen. We welcome anyone who supports our mission to join our society and discussions. the inaugural volume of Arendt Studies is now available online:, The Hannah Arendt Reading Group in Berlin 2017, Portable Polis schedule - Saturdays, 13h - 16h, 13.05.17 / Launch: Private Apartment, Selchower 22, 12049 Berlin Neukölln // from The Human Condition, 1958, Chapter II, "The Public and Private Realm", 20.05.17 / ZK/U Siemensstr. With both traditional and new media undergoing a radical transformation, it becomes increasingly common to deny political opponents the moral right for justifying their position in a public debate. Biographie de Hannah Arendt Hannah Arendt (Johanna Arendt) est née à Hanovre en Allemagne dans une famille de Juifs laïcs. What can Arendt’s vision of the political for twentieth century tell about the challenges politics faces nowadays? 23 Feb 2021. “There was not a ticket to be had,” says respected film-maker Ushpiz, whose credits, include Good Garbage, Desert Brides and Detained. Elle soulignait toutefois que sa vocation n'était pas la philosophie mais la théorie politique (« Mein Beruf ist politische Theorie »)2. Peter Lang specializes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, covering the complete publication spectrum from monographs to student textbooks. publications rodrigo chacón. Current comments confirm this insight, notwithstanding the diverse if not contentious responses to the question of whether populist movements are totalitarian or not. Argumentative diversity is also a characteristic feature of debates on whether democracy as an institution for the equality of different people can be seen as a critical pole against tendencies of fundamental homogenization. Arendt Studies is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of the life, work and legacy of Hannah Arendt. Profile of the university; News; Administration and Organisation; Schools; Institutions; Jobs; Maps and Directions; Information for ... Schools. Jan 4, 2018 - "Storytelling reveals meaning without committing..." - Hannah Arendt quotes from Although in an early text (“Understanding and Politics,” 1954) that takes Kant’s “Einbildungskraft” as an example, Arendt mentions representative thinking, she needed her lifetime to tackle this concept. Mutmassungen über Jakob. François Quenin dans mensuel 797 daté mai 2013 - Lors du procès d'Adolf Eichmann, kidnappé en Argentine par le Mossad en 1960 et transféré en Israël, la philosophe juive allemande Hannah Arendt quitte New York pour quelques mois et s'installe à Jérusalem à la demande du magazine The New Yorker. … The outcome is a remarkable segmentation of public sphere and coexistence of communities holding incompatible views of reality, as reflected in widespread concerns with ‘alternative facts’ and ‘post-truths’. sur - ISBN 10 : 3518366475 - ISBN 13 : 9783518366479 - Couverture souple Hannah Arendt was born Johanna Cohn Arendt in 1906 into a comfortable educated secular family of German Jews in Linden, Prussia (now a part of Hanover), in Wilhelmine Germany.Her family were merchants of Russian extraction from Königsberg, the East Prussian capital. Cosmopolitans, human rights, social justice. Lüthy Balmer Stocker - Schweizer Buchhandelsunternehmen mit Buchhandlungen in der ganzen Schweiz. Interrogating this entanglement, of truth and politics, we will ask whether it is true, as some have claimed, that the university is responsible for “post-truth”, on account of the relativism it is now perceived to propagate. Today, given the intensifying political. Retrouvez Also sprach Zarathustra. a r e a c e m label … hannah arendt denktagebuch neuerscheinung piper verlag. Doch wie kommt es, dass in der Frage der Menschenrechte die große Politik zunehmend als machtlos erscheint und nur die Zivilgesellschaft sich als handlungsfähig erweist? März 2017 hingewiesen hat. It was in this work that Arendt crystallised her theory about the “banality of evil”, stemming from Eichmann’s assertion that he wasn’t guilty because he had simply been, carrying out orders. Die soziale Frage ist auch bei Arendt ein strittiger Punkt. The editors are now accepting submissions for the first volume of Arendt Studies, which is scheduled to appear in the fall of 2017. Neuerscheinungen des Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung an der TU-Dresden Considering these dangers, which have gradually become more manifest in recent decades, we think it makes sense to revive the discussion of Hannah Arendt’s work on lies, power and violence, and to consult them for their implications for current discourse. The philosopher’s life-long, defence of the need for a plurality of thought and voices makes Arendt’s work. of philosophy. Das repräsentative Denken oder die erweiterte Denkungsart ist ein Konzept, zu dem sich Arendt in ihren veröffentlichten Werken nur vereinzelt geäußert hat. He speaks in real Nazi language, it’s really, Vita Activa intercuts archival audio and video footage of Adolf Hitler and his military, chief Hermann Göring, 1930s Europe, refugee conveys, the horrors uncovered in, post-war Europe and the Eichmann trial with contemporary interviews with academics. “They’re also drawn, by the figure of Hannah Arendt. hannah arendt denktagebuch neuerscheinung piper verlag. Schocken, 640 pp, $35.00. Beyond the university, and the media, rational-scientific and factual truth, we may finally reflect on the peculiar kind of truth-telling, VITA ACTIVA: THE SPIRIT OF HANNAH ARENDT, A FILM BY ADA USHPIZ, See the trailer and further information at Zeigeist Films, and reviews of the film in The New York Times, The Huffington Post, The Hollywood Reporter. • This article analyses data-driven measures used in South America to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. To deactivate improved support für screen readers, please open this link. 95 10963 Berlin Kreuzberg // "We Refugees" continued, 08.07.17 / Förderband, Torstraße 150 10119 Berlin Mitte // from The Portable Hannah Arendt, "Labor, Work, Action," 1964, 15.07.17 / Kotti & Co, Gecekondu (wooden shack) Admiralstr 1-2, 10999 Berlin Kreutzberg // from Origins of Totalitarianism, 1951, "Decline of the Nation State; End of Rights of Man," on the Right to Rights, 22.07.17 / Pro QM, Almstadtstr. Beginning with her lecture on “Philosophy and Politics” (Notre Dame, 1954) and up to her late work The Life of the Mind, Arendt concerned herself with Socrates. Having spent five years researching, financing and producing the documentary, Ushpiz says she would like to make a second feature that would examine Arendt’s, work in the final decade of her life, and its impact in the subsequent decades. Dezember 2016 um 18.00 Uhr im Bremer Rathaus überreicht. The conference language is English. Hannah Arendt, Denktagebuch, hrsg. relevant now as it did at the time of its formulation in the late 1940s. von Ursula Ludz und Ingeborg Nordmann, Die Freiheit, frei zu seinvon Hannah Arendt, In diesem bislang unveröffentlichten Essay entfaltet Hannah Arendt das Wesen von Revolutionen. deportation and extermination of Jews during the Holocaust. C'est pourquoi elle se disait « politologue » (« political scientist »)3 plutôt que philosophe. Thinking Without a Banister: Essays in Understanding, 1953-1975, Wie ich einmal ohne Dich leben soll, mag ich mir nicht vorstellen, Briefwechsel mit den Freundinnen Charlotte Beradt, Rose Feitelson, Hilde Fränkel, Anne Weil und Helen Wolff, Hg. In den gegenwärtigen Diskussionen materialisiert sich diese Erkenntnis, wobei die Meinungen zu der Frage, ob die populistischen Bewegungen im Arendtschen Sinne als totalitär einzustufen sind, durchaus kontrovers sind. Munich International Film Festival earlier this year it played to a packed-out theatre. She had the ability to universalise her personal experience.”, Arendt’s writings, notes the film-maker, have influenced movements as diverse as, Poland’s Solidarity and the pro-democracy Arab Spring. Directed by Margarethe von Trotta. Based on a broad review of relevant programmes in the region three selected cases from Argentina (Cuidar App), Brazil (use of personal data by IBGE), and Chile (CoronApp) are evaluated against best regional and international practices. Technische Universität Dresden It seems desirable therefore to take a closer look at the subject areas just mentioned and the situation both of the marginalized and of refugees—situations on which Arendt often reflected. Erst in dieser politischen Konstellation von Republik-Demokratie kann nach Arendt Pluralität garantiert werden. This seemingly banal assumption affects her entire political theory considerably. Both speaking and acting are only possible if men acknowledge each other as independent, autonomous individuals but at the same time keep a … This conference aims at exploring challenges posed by plurality, but also opportunities it offers. In this context, possible topicc could be the destruction of reality through lies and “fake news” or indeed the threat to public discourse and the interplay of opinions and factual truths. The constructs set up by Steve Bannon, to which Norbert Frei refers in a commentary in the Süddeutsche Zeitung (March 4-5, 2017), are a current example. She didn’t subscribe to, any set doctrine or school of thought but based her writings on experience and what, was really happening. hannah arendt denktagebuch zvab. Der Hannah-Arendt-Preis für politisches Denken, der von der Stadt Bremen und der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung vergeben wird, ist mit 10.000 Euro dotiert. School of Educational and Social Sciences ; II. The central focus is an archive that contains most of the archived remains of Hannah Arendt, it includes the complete "Hannah Arendt Papers" from the Library of Congress in Washington DC. Sie gelangte zu der Einsicht, dass in der Tradition abendländischen politischen Denkens seit Plato die Tatsache der Pluralität des Menschseins „nebenher“ behandelt worden sei. As Margaret Canovan wrote: “In the course of her own response to the experiences of her time, Arendt augmented the world by one word: the word plurality.” (Hannah Arendt: A Reinterpretation, 1992, p. 281) Or, quoting Arendt from her posthumously published The Life of the Mind: “Plurality is the law of the earth.”. 192 personnes étaient ici. 1975 in ihrer Rede zur Zweihundert-Jahr-Feier der amerikanischen Revolution sprach sie mit Blick auf den Vietnamkrieg und die Watergate-Affäre von der Gefahr, dass „wir an einem jener entscheidenden Wendepunkte der Geschichte stehen, welcher ganze Epochen voneinander trennt“. As alarm is raised about the attrition of factual truth and the preponderance of “lying in politics,” to cite another essay of Arendt’s, we propose to consider the theoretical and historical precedents for such tendencies as well as the significance, of the cultural and technical changes in the dissemination of news brought about by social media. Hierher gehört auch die grundlegende Bedrohung durch die Erosion von Wirklichkeits- und Wahrheitsauffassungen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung und Globalisierung. Son refus de la philosophie est notamment évoqué dans Condition de l'homme moderne où elle considère que « la majeure partie de la philosophie politique depuis Platon s'interpréterait aisément comme une série d'essai… 35-38 (Moritzplatz), 10969 Berlin Kreuzberg // "The Public and Private Realm" continued, 24.06.17 / ZUsammenKUNFT, Stresemannstr. Hannah Arendt schrieb ihr erstes großes Buch unter dem Eindruck, dass mit dem Totalitarismus und dem Zweiten Weltkrieg eine geschichtliche Tradition an ihr Ende gekommen war. It was meant to inform the third volume of The Life of the Mind. She touched down in Prague, Geneva and Paris, and was briefly interned by the, Nazis in France before fleeing to the US in 1941. Arendts Darstellung und Kritik bezieht sich insbesondere auf die zerstörerischen Auswirkungen derartiger Geschichtsmythen auf alles, was die Konstituierung politischen Handelns ermöglichen kann: die subjektive Bereitschaft, Verantwortung zu übernehmen und zu handeln, und die Nähe und Distanz im Anderen zu erkennen und anzuerkennen. As Arendt insists on the importance of keeping unoccupied chairs for newcomers around the table during discussions, the Society invites anyone who is interested in Arendt to join in our discussions. Hannah Arendt sutiyuq warmiqa (14 ñiqin kantaray killapi 1906 watapi paqarisqa Hannover llaqtapi - 4 ñiqin qhapaq raymi killapi 1975 watapi wañusqa New York llaqtapi) huk Alimanya USA nuna yachaqsi, Waq'ayay yachaq, willay kamayuq, yachay wayllukuqpas karqan.. Yaya: Paul Arendt; Mama: Martha Cohn. Or are such claims themselves symptomatic of. After the end of the Cold War and the erection of the International Criminal Court in Den Haag, the cosmopolitan nature of human rights seemed promising in terms of extending and ensuring the basis of their international recognition. Voici les livres incontournables si vous souhaitez mieux comprendre la pensée de cet auteur : Poizat JC., Hannah Arendt, une introduction, Pocket, Paris, 2013 Collectif, Totalitarisme et banalité du mal, PUF, Paris, 2011 Brudny MI., Hannah Arendt : Essai de biographie intellectuelle, Grasset, Paris, 2006 Vallée C., Socrate et la question du totalitarisme, Ellipses, Paris, 1999 Kristeva J., Le génie féminin, Folio, Paris, 2003 Le Ny M., Hannah Arendt ; Le temps politique des hommes, l’Harmattan, Paris, 2013 ... + d'auteurs
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