zadar kroatien corona
May Croatian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Zdravko Marić was asked to comment on to what extent the virus has affected the national economy, and if it could trigger an economic crisis. However, the police then asked the bus driver to go back to Vienna as well and told him that "he shouldn't have let the Singaporeans in the bus in the first place".[127]. [85] On 13 March, HNS agreed with the national team manager Zlatko Dalić not to play any matches during the March international break. [102] The same day it was confirmed that Inter Zaprešić investor Velibor Kvrgić and coach Željko Petrović had left the club, leaving the fate of the club and the players unknown. Mar On 14 April, the number of active cases reached its peak of 1,258. Alle Bars, Cafés und Restaurants sind geöffnet. [74], On 16 March, Bishop of Sisak Vlado Košić relieved the believers of obligation to attend the Mass until 1 April. 6.8.2020 ORF2E 11:25 Uhr WELTjournal - Corona-Urlaub – Flaute und Touristen-Ansturm / 12:10 Mega-Yachten Erstellt im Forum Fernsehsendungen über Kroatien / Kroatien im Fernsehen von beka 3 06.08.2020 11:24 von beka • Zugriffe: 484 Reiserückkehrer oftmals infiziert : Urlaubsland Kroatien meldet Rekordzahl an Corona-Infektionen Touristen spazieren an der Uferpromenade in Zadar, Kroatien entlang. [55], On 1 April, Minister Divjak announced that Matura exam in Croatian language would be postponed from 16 May. On 21 December, it surpassed 3,200. Luxair hat kürzlich Linienflüge wieder aufgenommen, und die Strecke Luxemburg-Zadar, die am 20. The pandemic in Croatia occurred during the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Læs anmeldelser af hotellerne som er skrevet af hotellets tidligere gæster, og … Jun Aug Trotz Corona drängen sich auch diesen Sommer wieder viele Touristen in der Altstadt der kroatischen Stadt Zadar ... Kroatien im Durchschnitt, fügte er hinzu. [73], Archbishop of Zagreb Josip Bozanić supported the removal of holy water from church entrances and handshakes from the Mass, and recommended believers to receive the communion bread from priests into their own hands instead of directly into their mouth. Mit dem Motorboot auf dem Meer unterwegs - Urlaub in Coronazeit in Zadar, Kroatien, Europa - Acquista questa foto stock ed esplora foto simili in Adobe Stock [107] A day after, Croatian player Borna Ćorić confirmed he was infected as well, with organizers urging fans and citizens who were in contact with the players to get tested. The net minimum wage was increased from 3,250 HRK to 4,000 HRK (725€), and the Government would pay benefits contributions on the minimum wage of up to 1,460 HRK (192€). [40] However, the former predicted a 6.2% increase in GDP in 2021, while the latter predicted a 4.6% increase. [67], Celine Dion was set to perform on 5 June in Arena Zagreb as part of her Courage World Tour; however, the concert was postponed on 24 April. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in January. Es ist eine Stadt, die nicht zögert, neue Kunstformen und Ideen zu erkunden, um ihre herausragende Lage und Umgebung sowie ihren großartigen Bau zu unterstreichen. [116], On 14 March, Croatia closed all borders with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Feb Insgesamt haben sich in Kroatien 1.832 Menschen mit dem neuartigen Coronavisrus infiziert. [35], From 19 March, all non-essential activities in the service sector were closed. Sep Aber das Leben in Zadar geht normal weiter. [33] The government proposed short-term economic measures, like postponement of tax payments and loans for struggling businesses for at least three months in response to the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. Update 03.09.2020. Coronavirus-Aktuell: Die Zahl der Neu-Infizierten steigt weiter an! Lidl is an European discount supermarket chain of German origin that operates over 10,000 stores across Europe.It belongs to the holding company Schwarz, which also owns the store chains Handelshof and Kaufland. Weitere häufig gestellte Fragen zur Einreise nach Kroatien finden Sie auf der offiziellen Website der Regierung. On 2 March, the first flights to Zagreb were cancelled at 9:50 AM (CET). [57] On 6 May, Minister Divjak announced that Matura in optional subjects would not be held. Beroš: Pažljivo balansiramo", "Zašto Hrvatskoj ide tako dobro u borbi s koronavirusom? The countries and international organizations that have sent aid and funds to the Government of Croatia, to help fight the pandemic: Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Croatia, Confirmed cases by county as of 16 September 2020. Vi søger gode ideer til 1 dags eller kortere udflugter ved Zadar. Der Zagreber Epidemiologe Branko Kolarić erklärt die Strategie seines Landes – und macht Hoffnung. Iflg. [98] The same day, the Croatian Basketball Federation (HKS) has decided to cancel all competitions for the 2019–20 season. [62], On 11 March, the annual music award ceremony Porin, set to be held on 27 March in Centar Zamet in Rijeka, was postponed until further notice. Foto: dpa/Pixsell Berlin Die bei Touristen beliebten Regionen Sibenik-Knin sowie Split-Dalmatien gelten … Das Tragen einer Maske ist in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln (Busse, Boote, Züge) obligatorisch. Diese Maßnahme ist jedoch zum Zeitpunkt des Schreibens dieses Artikels am 30. This included a comment by the manager of Libertas Marinkolor Marko Habijanec in which he instructed one of his players (who was facing Tan in the next match) to "Beat this virus." In den letzten 24 Stunden am 30. However, it was cancelled on 21 June as Bulgarian player Grigor Dimitrov contracted the virus. Zaprešićani pred kolapsom, trener otišao", "Hrvatski rukometni savez poništio sva natjecanja u ovoj sezoni! Wer mit dem Auto aus dem Kroatien-Urlaub zurück nach Deutschland fährt, … There have been 618 new recorded COVID-19 cases in Croatia in the last 24 hours, so 10.033 cases of COVID-19 remain active. On 5 July, it surpassed 800 again. On 9 November, it surpassed 51,200. Zajc in Rijeka, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the music industry, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on politics, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on religion, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sports, 2021 European Figure Skating Championships, Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on aviation, COVID-19 pandemic by country and territory, COVID-19 pandemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina, European Union response to the COVID-19 pandemic, "What is Croatia Doing to Prevent the Spreading of the New Coronavirus? [106], As part of his Adria Tennis Tour, Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic visited Zadar alongside other prominent names from the tennis world. On 4 April, the number of recovered cases surpassed 100. ", "HNL se neće nastaviti prije 16. svibnja", "NASTAVAK NOGOMETNIH NATJECANJA 30. [88] The same day Šuker revealed that he would support UEFA Euro 2020's postponement at a videoconference in Nyon on 17 March. Allen anderen Ausländern, die oben nicht aufgeführt sind, wird empfohlen, ihren Besuch durch Ausfüllen des Formulars auf der folgenden Website anzukündigen. Bei Symptomen einer akuten Atemwegsinfektion (Husten, Halsschmerzen, Fieber, Atemnot / Atembeschwerden, Geruchs- und Geschmacksverlust) ist es erforderlich, in der Unterkunft zu bleiben und den zuständigen Epidemiologen zu informieren (Handynummer für Zadar: +385 (0) 98 332 765). ALL THE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR CORONA SECURITY MEASURES. Corona-Pandemie in Kroatien: Jetzt ist auch Zadar ein Covid-19-Risikogebiet Erstmeldung vom 03. In den letzten 24 Stunden wurden in Zadar 2 neue … Corona in Kroatien – die aktuellen Zahlen machen nicht wirklich Mut. [39] On 14 April, International Monetary Fund predicted an even worse scenario, a large decrease of 9% in GDP by the end of 2020. Jul Med Szhirley til Kroatien Af Kristina ... Sådan kan du få mest muligt ud af din ferie til Kroatien; Corona virus: Hvad skal du vide, inden du rejser til Kroatien; Anmeldelse af Istra Premium Camping Resort i Porec; In dem Land gibt es nach Daten des nationalen Corona-Krisenstabs aktuell 2.203 aktive Coronavirus-Fälle. Was wir in den letzten Tagen gelernt haben, ist, dass der Coronavirus immer noch da ist, aber das Leben muss weitergehen. [15][16], For the citizens, the Government set up a website for all information they are interested in, as well as a new phone line 113 that has volunteers answering their questions. On 7 September, it surpassed 200. Coronavirus in Zadar und Kroatien. In Kroatien selbst ist von Corona-Panik hingegen nichts zu spüren. [17] On 3 April the Croatian Institute of Public Health implemented a Facebook chatbot named Nada,[18] and on the 14 April, the Government presented a WhatsApp chatbot nicknamed Andrija, after Andrija Štampar, whose purposes are to give personalized advice to citizens who suspect they are infected. Für einen schnellen Überblick zu COVID-19 Kennzahlen greifen wir auf Werte der JHU und des ECDC zurück (siehe Datenquellen für weitere Informationen, alle Angaben ohne Gewähr).. Aktuelle Infektionswerte für Kroatien Eurowings fügt eine neue Linie Stuttgart – Zadar hinzu, die zweimal pro Woche fliegen wird, zusätzlich zu der bestehenden Linie Köln – Zadar, die einmal pro Woche fliegt. Trotz zahlreicher Schlagzeilen im Internet gibt es in Zadar weniger Infektionsfälle als in anderen Städten Kroatiens. HIGHLIGHTS. On 1 November, the number of recorded cases surpassed 51,200. Für ganz Kroatien gilt die Pflicht zum Tragen eines Mund-Nasen-Schutzes in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und in öffentlich zugänglichen Innenräumen. Neće raditi ni vrtići ni fakulteti", "Hakeri napali online nastavu u Hrvatskoj! The COVID-19 pandemic in Croatia is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). E-mail:, Coronavirus Zadar: die neusten Informationen, nicht verpflichtet, einen besonderen Grund für ihre Einreise anzugeben, müssen sich 14 Tage lang selbst isolieren, Reise nach Zadar nach dem Coronavirus: Alles, was Sie wissen müssen, aktualisierte Informationen klicken Sie hier, Empfehlungen zum Schwimmen im Meer und in Binnengewässern, 4 interessante Geschichten über die Beschützer von Zadar, Top 10 unterhaltsame Aktivitäten in der Region Zadar, Halbtagesausflug mit Boot auf dem Zrmanja Fluss, Ausflug auf die Insel Pag und Käseverkostung, Königsstadt Nin, Besuch des Salzwerks und Weinverkostung, Ausflug in den Nationalpark Krka aus Zadar, Die historische Stadt Nin-Fahrradtour mit Führer, Fahrradtour auf zwei Inseln Ugljan und Pašman, Das Beste von Zadar – Fahrradtour mit Führer, Zadar Stadtrundgang und Virtual Reality Erlebnis mit Verkostungen, Tagesausflug zu den Nationalpark Plitvicer Seen aus Zadar. Beunruhigende Entwicklung auf dem Balkan: In Kroatien zeichnen sich neue Probleme ab. Unsere letzte Urlaubs-Option 2020 erholt sich einfach nicht von dem Virus. Primarily because no one knows how long the coronavirus crisis will last."[28]. Sep [122], On 22 March, all public transport services were suspended in Croatia for the next 30 days. Values show increase from the day before. Zajc in Rijeka YouTube Channel", "Virtualnim programima se priključuje i riječki HNK: "Zajc uz vas" - online", "Finance Minister reluctant to forecast possible economic downturn due to coronavirus", "Dubrovnik braces for blow to local economy", "Hrvatska ograničila cijene brašna, mlijeka, jaja, mesa...", "PLENKOVIĆ 'Broj zaraženih porastao je na 49' BEROŠ 'Raspravlja se o proglašenju karantene u cijeloj državi, ali nećemo trčati pred rudo, "Kreće kontrola cijena: Ovi proizvodi ne smiju imati višu cijenu", "Plenković: U sljedećim danima obustavit će se rad nekih trgovina, kina, teretana...", "Croatia postpones tax payments due to coronavirus crisis", "Croatia closes most services, shops fighting coronavirus", "Vladine mjere dokazale: Ti ljudi nemaju ni najmanjeg pojma o malim firmama", "Nove mjere vlade: Otpisi i odgode poreza za tvrtke, naknade za radnike 4000 kuna", "Svjetska banka: Hrvatska na putu duboke recesije", "Grozne prognoze MMF-a: Hrvatski BDP past će za golemih 9 posto", "Hrvatsko gospodarstvo 2020. pada od 5 do 9 posto, 2021. će rasti do 4,9 posto", "Javni dug skače na 90% i da kriza za tri mjeseca završi", "MISLILI STE DA NE MOŽE GORE? The voter turnout of 46.85% was the lowest recorded in the history of Croatian democracy. On 12 March, the first recovery was reported, and on 18 March, the first death from the virus was confirmed. [3], The airports in Croatia were prepared and they started going through passive measures and being vigilant. Because this is great quality content for guests, be sure to inform them about the Zadar Street Food Festival, tell them the story of Zadar and the gastro scene, about Zadar Maraschino, and offer transport to the festival if possible. Sie erreichen uns per E-Mail unter oder telefonisch unter +43 509 9118 000.. Für alle Neubuchungen ist eine kostenfreie Stornierung des Aufenthalts bis 7 Tage vor Anreise möglich. Erwerben Sie das Küstenpatent in Kroatien, ... Zadar & Split, Preise inklusive Prüfungsgebühr. HRTurizam writes that this festival is a great time for hotels and other accommodation providers to get involved. [90], On 24 March, Croatia national football team donated 4,200,000 HRK for fighting the pandemic. Austria downgrades travel warning for croatia: security level 4 instead of 6 for istria, sibenik, zadar 16.10.2020. Der Eigentümer muss die Sonnenliegen mehrmals täglich desinfizieren und immer dann, wenn ein bestimmter Gast die Sonnenliegen nicht mehr benutzt. Februar 2020) wurden in Kroatien insgesamt 2.725 Fälle bestätigt. [60], On 2 March, Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra issued a statement that their joint concert with Filarmomica di Milano conducted by Daniele Gatti, set to be held in Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall on 10 March, had been cancelled due to the Italian orchestra coming from the affected Italian area which would've increased the risk of exposure to the virus. [34], On 18 March, a hotel Le Méridien LAV in Split announced it would close from 23 March to 15 April. Zadar kämpft wie der Rest Europas gegen den Coronavirus und ergreift Maßnahmen, um seine Ausbreitung zu verhindern. The COVID-19 pandemic in Croatia is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).The first case in the Republic of Croatia was reported in Zagreb on 25 February, when a patient who had come from Italy was tested positive. Groups of fifteen cross carriers exchanged between settlements of Jelsa, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirče, Vrbanj and Vrboska, while locals kept up from their balconies and front yards. Diejenigen, die mit dem Spieler länger als 10 Minuten Kontakt hatten, mussten sich beim diensthabenden Epidemiologen melden und sich 14 Tage lang isolieren, während andere, die den begründeten Verdacht hatten, mit Coronavirus infiziert zu sein, getestet wurden und auf Empfehlung des Epidemiologen handelten. [59], On 25 June, as Croatia imposed obligatory self-isolation for all passengers entering the country from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia and Kosovo; this, however, was not obligatory for students entering the country to take Matura exams. On 28 June, it surpassed 400 again. Do. Ali ne razmišljamo o produžetku školske godine, stići ćemo sve rokove, "Konačna odluka: Esej iz hrvatskog jezika se neće pisati 16. svibnja", "Divjak: Mature će biti, naš cilj je da to bude u lipnju", "Šokantna odluka: Ministrica Divjak otkazuje izborne predmete mature", "Nakon pritiska javnosti, ministrica naglo okrenula ploču: Pišu se svi ispiti mature! Corona-Risiko Was Kroatien-Urlauber wissen müssen Reisen in Zeiten der Pandemie So ist die Lage in europäischen Urlaubsländern Reisewarnung auch … Maps and GPS directions to Lidl Zadar and other Lidl locations in Croatia.Find your nearest Lidl. Da det er 3 gang vi skal dertil har vi selvfølgelig set en del bl.a Krka, Plivitci,Zadar by og Sebenik i Kroatien endvidere har vi også været i Mostar i Bosnien. Zadar gehört nicht zu den Corona-Hotspots im Land. [44], According to data from, in the first ten days of March, arrivals decreased by 30% which is an unprecedented decline in recent Croatian history. Die kroatische Gespanschaft Zadar wies lediglich eine 7-Tage-Inzidenz von 158,8 auf, Split 376,3 und in Istrien lag der Wert bei 142,3. [80][81] Minister of the Interior Davor Božinović confirmed the next day that three criminal charges and one misdemeanor charge were filed. [108] Djokovic refused to get tested in Zadar, but got tested positive in Belgrade on 23 June, as well as his wife Jelena and fitness coach Marco Panichi. Für Reisende hat das nun Konsequenzen: Sie müssen nach der Rückkehr in Deutschland innerhalb von 72 Stunden einen Corona-Test machen – und bis zum negativen Ergebnis zu Hause in Quarantäne bleiben. [118] However, later the same day, it was confirmed by Police Department of Brod-Posavina Chief Antun Valić that since the previous night passengers entering the country from Bosnia and Herzegovina were obliged to stay in 14-day self-isolation. The first case in the Republic of Croatia was reported in Zagreb on 25 February, when a patient who had come from Italywas tested positive. [126], On 11 March, a bus travelling from Vienna was denied from entering the country on the Macelj border crossing due to four Singaporean passengers who were asked to return to Vienna despite having clear documents. Corona-Regeln und besondere Einreisebestimmungen für Kroatien Zu aktuellen Einreisebeschränkungen und/oder Quarantänebestimmungen wegen der Atemwegserkrankung COVID-19 beachten Sie bitte auch die Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise des Auswärtigen Amtes * … [101], On 9 April, HNK Rijeka confirmed their players and employees agreed about a one-third pay cut for the following 16 months. Mob: 00385 91 619 4949 [51], On 11 March, it was announced that kindergartens, schools and universities in Istria County would be closed from 13 March, with students of the first four grades of primary school keeping up with classes via the TV channel HRT 3 or via Sharepoint from Microsoft Office. Zadar ist die Stadt der Romantik und Liebe, ein Ort der Leidenschaft und des Geistes! On 27 December, the number of recorded cases surpassed 204,800. KOŠARKAŠKI SAVEZ DONIO KONAČNU ODLUKU - NEĆE BITI PRVAKA Prekidaju se sva natjecanja za ovu sezonu! All Inclusive Plus* Extensive club complex right on the 1.7 km long beach of Zadar - chosen by Holidaycheck as the most beautiful family club in Croatia! Jun [21], On 13 March, Serbian popstar Jelena Karleuša postponed her performance in Zagreb nightclub H2O, set to be held the same night, due to "her fans' safety and her own responsibility". Many excursions, excursions and ferry lines to the Kornati archipelago and the other national parks start from here. [37][38], On 9 April, World Bank predicted 6.2% decrease in Croatian GDP and 9% increase in unemployment rate. [104], After HNS had previously decided on 20 April that Prva HNL season would not be continued before 16 May,[105] on 6 May they decided the season would restart on 30 May. Mit haben Sie die wichtigsten Fakten auf einen Blick. However, on 20 June, the number of active cases hit 50 again, surpassing it the next day. [115], On 13 March, Croatia Airlines issued a statement that passengers who had visited the following countries in the previous 14 days would be obliged to spend 14 days in quarantine: Italy, China PR (province of Hubei), Korea (city of Daegu and province of Cheongdo), and Germany (Heinsberg in state of North Rhine-Westphalia). Number of deaths in Zagreb County shown on the official website (10 deaths) is outdated, because it hasn't been updated since 8 August 2020. On 23 June, it surpassed 100 again. Insgesamt gibt es in Kroatien 39 Corona-Tote. Minister Marić added that it was far too early to make any predictions regarding the national economy in 2020 and budgetary revenues: "Right now I don't want to speculate on what its effects will be. Procesija na Plenkovićevom i Beroševom Hvaru dobila je dozvolu", "Ovakvi prizori na Hvaru dosad nisu viđeni: pogledajte veliki fotoizvještaj s ovogodišnje procesije 'Za Križen, "Premijeru su na Hvaru uručili zahvalnicu jer ih je pustio da u karanteni organiziraju procesiju", "VIDEO Svećenik iz Splita obrušio se na novinare: 'Neka vas đava nosi, ajte kvragu, "Incident u Splitu: Napadnuta novinarka, crkvenim vratima joj prikliještili ruku", "Beroš o plaćama u zdravstvu: Svi oni koji su odradili svoj posao će biti plaćeni", "SVE UTAKMICE PRVE HNL IGRAT ĆE SE BEZ GLEDATELJA Objavljena najnovija odluka HNS-a: Evo na koga se odnosi, koliko će trajati, a stigle su i upute", "OTKAZAN MEĐUNARODNI TURNIR QATAR AIRWAYS U DOHI", "PREKID SVIH NOGOMETNIH NATJECANJA DO 31. Zadar is your ideal starting point for any destination. ", "ZA NAŠE NAJVJERNIJE GOSTE NAPRAVIO BI SE SPECIJALNI ZRAČNI KORIDOR: Avionom iz Praga slijetali bi turisti s potvrdom da nisu zaraženi koronavirusom", "INICIJATIVA IZ PRAGA PALA NA PLODNO TLO Plenković već odradio razgovor s češkim kolegom, premijeri zadali zadatak ministrima turizma", "HTZ objavio podatke za travanj: 99 posto manje turista nego lani", "Having Saved Summer, Croatian COVID-19 Rates Raise Fears for Autumn", "Zbog koronavirusa zatvaraju se škole u Istri, najmlađi učenici će nastavu pratiti preko HRT-a: Vlada priprema i mjere za pomoć poduzetnicima", "Plenković: Od ponedjeljka se obustavlja nastava u Hrvatskoj. Men helst 35 årlige inspicerede campingpladser i Zadarska i Kroatien. [49], On 13 May, Croatian National Tourist Board recorded a 99% decline in tourists in April compared to the same month previous year. No one can. Die COVID-19-Pandemie tritt in Kroatien als Teil der weltweiten COVID-19-Pandemie auf. Više od 5,2 milijarde kuna kredita za likvidnost uz HBOR-ovo osiguranje Zagrebačka banka, Privredna banka Zagreb, OTP banka i Slatinska banka potpisale su s HBOR-om Sporazum o osiguranju portfelja kredita za likvidnost izvoznika – COVID – 19. In den letzten 24 Stunden wurden in Zadar 2 neue Fälle bestätigt. [79], On 12 April, Parson of Sirobuja Don Josip Delaš verbally assaulted a Dalmatinski portal journalist who came to his Easter Mass and who was also physically assaulted by one of the believers. 369 residential units (86 mobile homes, 13 Glamping units and 270 pitches) with electricity, drainage and water distributed over 8.7 hectares. Steigende Corona-Zahlen in Kroatien, Spanien und Deutschland Die Corona-Neuinfektionen in Deutschland steigen weiter an. Ach die Medien....Corona kan überal sein auch in Deutschland. Aktualisierung 17.April 18:20 Uhr: In den letzten 24 Stunden hat es in Kroatien nur 23 Neuinfizierte gegeben. On 13 April, it surpassed 400. [68], During April 2020, there had been widespread media speculation that the 2020 Croatian parliamentary election would be called earlier than originally planned, due to the uncertainty created by the still-ongoing worldwide pandemic. Am Freitag sollen neue Anti-Corona-Maßnahmen vorgestellt werden. On 12 April, it surpassed 1,600. ", "Suba donirao 500.000 kuna: Hvala Bogu da mogu pomoći", "Veliko srce Luke Modrića: Zadarskoj bolnici donirao više od 100.000 eura", "DVOSTRUKI PRVAK EUROPE I PONOS HRVATSKE KOŠARKE OTPUSTIO JE - SVE! The Ministry of Health warned those travelling to China to avoid sick people, animals, and markets, not to eat any raw or semi-cooked animals, and to wash their hands often and to notify their doctor of their plans to travel to China. Furthermore, passengers who had visited the following countries in the previous 14 days would be obliged to spend 14 days in self-isolation: France, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Germany (apart from the aforementioned German area), Austria, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, China (apart from the aforementioned Chinese area), Korea (apart from the aforementioned Korean area), Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Bahrain and Slovenia (White Carniola). [125] Libertas Marinkolor eventually issued an apology and condemnation of the incident. [71] All parties drew major criticism for not wearing masks or keeping social distance in their headquarters,[72] most notably the winning Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) whose members hugged and sang together. On 10 September, the number of recorded cases surpassed 12,800. Aug On 9 November, it surpassed 800. [54] Later the same day, Minister Divjak reported that CARNET had been under ten cyberattacks during the day; however, she confirmed that the online classes had gone successfully. Se hjemmeside Book nu. On 15 August, the number of recorded cases surpassed 6,400. Corona teststationen region zagreb: nastavni zavod za javno zdravstvo dr. andrija Štampar mirogojska 16, 10000 zagreb, [45], On 14 March, Split City Museum limited its activity and closed the Cellars of Diocletian's Palace and Gallery Emanuel Vidović for visitors. 23000 Zadar, Tel: 00385 23 271 405 Concerns over the virus began as soon as it began its rapid rise in China[3] and its effects on the international scale became clear. Für einen schnellen Überblick zu COVID-19 Kennzahlen greifen wir auf Werte der JHU und des ECDC zurück (siehe Datenquellen für weitere Informationen, alle Angaben ohne Gewähr).. Aktuelle Infektionswerte für Kroatien University of Zadar. 8,2 15 bedømmelse . On 22 September, it surpassed 12,800. May Juni). Für Urlaubsheimkehrer aus Zadar bedeutet dies die Verpflichtung zu einem kostenfreien Corona-Test bei der Einreise nach Deutschland, bis zu dessen Ergebnis sie in häuslicher Quarantäne bleiben müssen. [19][20], On 11 March, the Rijeka Film Festival and the Role of Cultural Heritage in Socioeconomic Development and the Preservation of Democratic Values conference were both postponed until further notice. Poljana pape Aleksandra III br. Apr [120], On 19 March, after the first recorded case in the city, Dubrovnik Airport was closed. Juni gab es in Kroatien 34 neue Fälle (genaue Informationen zum Coronavirus für andere Städte finden Sie auf der offiziellen Website der Regierung). ALL THE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR CORONA SECURITY MEASURES. Mit diesem Spezialbeitrag werden wir Sie auf dem Laufenden halten und Ihnen wichtige Links zur Verfügung zu stellen. On 9 April, it surpassed 200. ", "Odluka o prekidu svih natjecanja pod ingerencijom HKS-a za sezonu 2019/20", "UEFA ODGODILA SVE LIPANJSKE UTAKMICE REPREZENTACIJA", "Virus gasi Inter? Aber wie ist die Situation eigentlich in Zadar die letzten Tage? Foto: dpa/Pixsell Berlin Die bei Touristen beliebten Regionen Sibenik-Knin sowie Split-Dalmatien gelten … Urlaub Trotz Corona In Kroatien Türkei Spanien Was. [77][78] On 1 July, brotherhood of Jelsa that organizes the procession presented the Prime Minister Plenković with a thank you note for allowing them to preserve the annual tradition. Juli und wird samstags einmal pro Woche fliegen. They had all been at the 2020–21 UEFA Nations League draw and the UEFA Congress in Amsterdam on 2 March where they had been in contact with Football Association of Serbia president Slaviša Kokeza who tested positive for the virus at the Clinical Centre of Serbia. Allen Besuchern wird empfohlen, die den Abstand von 1,5 Metern einzuhalten, auch wenn sie sich im Meer / Wasser befinden. Seit Beginn der Pandemie (25. No one in government is negating the problem, the problem is quite evident. Assembly", "Coronavirus LIVE Updates: 9th Croatia Case Driver from Varazdin", "Strah od koronavirusa: Prva kompanija otkazala letove za Zagreb", "Jutros stigli u Split: Talijani s trajekta Marko Polo prebačeni u karantenu", "Croatia Airlines: 'Svi koji stižu letom iz ovih država idu odmah u karantenu na 14 dana, "Hrvatska zatvorila granične prijelaze s BiH", "U Hrvatskoj potvrđeno 46 slučaja zaraze. Last 15 days Zadar Lufthavn ligger kun 8 km fra Zadars smukke bymidte, og med lufthavnsbussen kan du komme til Zadars gamle bydel på 15-20 minutter for 25 kn. Juni gab es in Kroatien 34 neue Fälle (genaue Informationen zum Coronavirus für andere Städte finden Sie auf der offiziellen Website der Regierung). He said: "It is very difficult to forecast what will happen because the situation is changing on a daily basis. On 6 July, the number of recorded cases surpassed 3,200. He also recommended believers who had symptoms of respiratory system infection, had visited affected areas, had been in contact with a carrier of the virus, were elderly or suffered from chronic illnesses not to attend the Mass. [83] The same day HNS announced that Croatia national football team would not play its friendly games against Switzerland and Portugal scheduled for 26 and 30 March in Doha due to the virus pandemic in Qatar.
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