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johann wolfgang von goethe lebenslauf referat

"[84][85] He did not join in the anti-Napoleonic mood of 1812, and he distrusted the strident nationalism which started to be expressed. Seine Eltern Johann Caspar Goethe und Catharina Elisabeth Goethe, welche eine geborene Textor war, stammten beide aus gutem Hause, seine Mutter entstammte sogar einer alten Patrizierfamilie. Johann Wolfgang Goethe nabyl revolucionářem, ale věděl, že z rozkladu feudalismu a z nástupu měšťanské třídy ,vzniká nový svět. Goethe also received lessons in dancing, riding and fencing. [6] Johann Caspar married Goethe's mother, Catharina Elizabeth Textor at Frankfurt on 20 August 1748, when he was 38 and she was 17. [51] In the Kurschner edition of Goethe's works, the science editor, Rudolf Steiner, presents Goethe's approach to science as phenomenological. Goethe could not subsist on being one of the editors of a literary periodical (published by Schlosser and Merck). His written account of these events can be found within his Complete Works. 1749 ve Frankfurtu nad Mohanem v rodině zámožného advokáta. What set Goethe's book apart from other such novels was its expression of unbridled longing for a joy beyond possibility, its sense of defiant rebellion against authority, and of principal importance, its total subjectivity: qualities that trailblazed the Romantic movement. In old age, he explained why this was so to Eckermann: How could I write songs of hatred when I felt no hate? [17] Despite the immense success of Werther, it did not bring Goethe much financial gain because copyright laws at the time were essentially nonexistent. Although in his academic work he had expressed the ambition to make jurisprudence progressively more humane, his inexperience led him to proceed too vigorously in his first cases, and he was reprimanded and lost further ones. His father had very definite ideas about his education and intended that Goethe should follow the pattern he himself had pursued as a young man: studying law, gaining experience at the Reichskammergericht (the supreme court of the Holy Roman Empire) in Wetzlar, and eventually rounding off his worldly culture with a grand tour to Italy, after which he could marry and settle down, perhaps rising, as his father had not been able to do, to a position of responsibility in the city administration. Goethe was, however, the first to systematically study the physiological effects of colour, and his observations on the effect of opposed colours led him to a symmetric arrangement of his colour wheel, "for the colours diametrically opposed to each other ... are those which reciprocally evoke each other in the eye. Das „von“ erhält er, als er 1782 geadelt wird. Karl Robert Mandelkow, Bodo Morawe: Goethes Briefe. [107][108] Both Diderot and Goethe exhibited a repugnance towards the mathematical interpretation of nature; both perceived the universe as dynamic and in constant flux; both saw "art and science as compatible disciplines linked by common imaginative processes"; and both grasped "the unconscious impulses underlying mental creation in all forms. The restaurant Auerbachs Keller and its legend of Faust's 1525 barrel ride impressed him so much that Auerbachs Keller became the only real place in his closet drama Faust Part One. "[93] The two discussed politics, the writings of Voltaire, and Goethe's Sorrows of Young Werther, which Napoleon had read seven times and ranked among his favorites. Goethe, aside from official duties, was also a friend and confidant to the Duke, and participated fully in the activities of the court. Goethe was the eldest of seven children, though only one other survived into adulthood, his sister Cornelia (1750–77). The fact that Werther ends with the protagonist's suicide and funeral—a funeral which "no clergyman attended"—made the book deeply controversial upon its (anonymous) publication, for on the face of it, it appeared to condone and glorify suicide. His uncritical admiration for many contemporary poets vanished as he became interested in Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Christoph Martin Wieland. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Goethe einer der berühmtesten deutschen Dichter wurde am 28. Johann Caspar, feeling frustrated in his own ambitions, was determined that his children should have all those advantages that he had not.[6]. Dieses Vermögen ermöglichte auch seinem Sohn ein Leben ohne finanzielle Schwierigkeiten. phil. Liszt and Mahler both created symphonies in whole or in large part inspired by this seminal work, which would give the 19th century one of its most paradigmatic figures: Doctor Faustus. Goethe took revenge by starting his first mature play, Die Mitschuldigen (1787; “Partners in Guilt”), a verse comedy showing a woman’s regrets after a year of marriage to the wrong man. Goethe was a Freemason, joining the lodge Amalia in Weimar in 1780, and frequently alluded to Masonic themes of universal brotherhood in his work,[88] he was also attracted to the Bavarian Illuminati a secret society founded on 1 May 1776. In 1770, he anonymously released Annette, his first collection of poems. At the same time, though, he seriously studied alchemy and may already have formed the idea of writing a play about Faust, a half-legendary figure who sells his soul to the Devil for knowledge and power and who became the subject of Goethe’s greatest work. [77] Goethe's unorthodox religious beliefs led him to be called "the great heathen" and provoked distrust among the authorities of his time, who opposed the creation of a Goethe monument on account of his offensive religious creed. [40] While not the only one in his time to question the prevailing view that this bone did not exist in humans, Goethe, who believed ancient anatomists had known about this bone, was the first to prove its existence in all mammals. In 1832, Goethe died in Weimar of apparent heart failure. In the last period, between Schiller's death, in 1805, and his own, appeared Faust Part One, Elective Affinities, the West-Eastern Diwan (a collection of poems in the Persian style, influenced by the work of Hafez), his autobiographical Aus meinem Leben: Dichtung und Wahrheit (From My Life: Poetry and Truth) which covers his early life and ends with his departure for Weimar, his Italian Journey, and a series of treatises on art. His father, Johann Caspar Goethe (1710–82), the son of a wealthy tailor-turned-innkeeper, was a man of leisure who lived on his inherited fortune and devoted himself, after studying law in Leipzig and Strasbourg and touring Italy, France, and the Low Countries, to collecting books and paintings and to the education of his children. Another emotional factor in the poet’s childhood that may have affected his later development was a love-hate relationship with a younger brother, who died in 1759 at age six: Goethe’s later relationships with literary contemporaries were ambiguous, though he nonetheless described them as “brothers,” and he was repelled by literary and artistic representations of death. The next work, his epic closet drama Faust, was completed in stages. His father had made a similar journey during his own youth, and his example was a major motivating factor for Goethe to make the trip. Goethe also had the largest private collection of minerals in all of Europe. ("Do you know the land where the lemon trees bloom?"). In 1821 Goethe's friend Carl Friedrich Zelter introduced him to the 12-year-old Felix Mendelssohn. V letech 1765-68 studoval v Lipsku práva. 27, 1828), and the cantata Die erste Walpurgisnacht (The First Walpurgis Night, Op. By the time of his death, in order to gain a comprehensive view in geology, he had collected 17,800 rock samples. For instance, in Faust, the first use of Faust's power after signing a contract with the devil is to seduce a teenage girl. The mighty brow seemed yet to harbour thoughts. [30] He is buried in the Ducal Vault at Weimar's Historical Cemetery. [108], His views make him, along with Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, and Ludwig van Beethoven, a figure in two worlds: on the one hand, devoted to the sense of taste, order, and finely crafted detail, which is the hallmark of the artistic sense of the Age of Reason and the neo-classical period of architecture; on the other, seeking a personal, intuitive, and personalized form of expression and society, firmly supporting the idea of self-regulating and organic systems. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, (born August 28, 1749, Frankfurt am Main [Germany]—died March 22, 1832, Weimar, Saxe-Weimar), German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theatre director, critic, and amateur artist, considered the greatest German … In Leipzig, Goethe fell in love with Anna Katharina Schönkopf and wrote cheerful verses about her in the Rococo genre. He produced volumes of poetry, essays, criticism, a theory of colours and early work on evolution and linguistics. Johann Wolfgang Goethe, od roku 1782 von Goethe (28. srpna 1749 Frankfurt nad Mohanem – 22. března 1832 Výmar, Sasko-výmarské vévodství), byl německý básník, prozaik, dramatik a politik.. Narodil se ve svobodném říšském městě Frankfurtu nad Mohanem jako syn velmi zámožné rodiny. George Henry Lewes celebrated Goethe's revolutionary understanding of the organism. Früher u.d.T. "[27], Mendelssohn was invited to meet Goethe on several later occasions,[28] and set a number of Goethe's poems to music. Thus...[not] the question, What are they for? [55], In a conversation on April 7, 1830 Goethe stated that pederasty is an "aberration" that easily leads to "animal, roughly material" behavior. Again during the Siege of Mainz, he assisted Carl August as a military observer. This collaborative friendship lasted until Schiller's death in 1805. [58][59] His own descriptions of his relationship to the Christian faith and even to the Church varied widely and have been interpreted even more widely, so that while Goethe's secretary Eckermann portrayed him as enthusiastic about Christianity, Jesus, Martin Luther, and the Protestant Reformation, even calling Christianity the "ultimate religion,"[60] on one occasion Goethe described himself as "not anti-Christian, nor un-Christian, but most decidedly non-Christian,"[61] and in his Venetian Epigram 66, Goethe listed the symbol of the cross among the four things that he most disliked. Some of the Venetian Epigrams were held back from publication due to their sexual content. Goethe was also a cultural force. "[49] In this, he anticipated Ewald Hering's opponent colour theory (1872).[50]. Goethe was petrified, Christiane raised a lot of noise and even tangled with them, other people who had taken refuge in Goethe's house rushed in, and so the marauders eventually withdrew again. Another bout of illness then brought him apparently near death, and in the aftermath he underwent a brief conversion from freethinking to evangelical Christianity. 1999 wurde er in die Leibniz-Sozietät gewählt. Throughout a long and full life he demonstrated his prolific genius in many different areas. He continued, "Pederasty is as old as humanity itself, and one can therefore say, that it resides in nature, even if it proceeds against nature....What culture has won from nature will not be surrendered or given up at any price. Schopenhauer cited Goethe's novel Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship as one of the four greatest novels ever written, along with Tristram Shandy, La Nouvelle Héloïse and Don Quixote. The elephant's skull that led Goethe to this discovery, and was subsequently named the Goethe Elephant, still exists and is displayed in the Ottoneum in Kassel, Germany. "[98] Staël's portrayal helped elevate Goethe over his more famous German contemporaries and transformed him into a European cultural hero. He was an early participant in the Sturm und Drang literary movement. Was wisst ihr über diese literarische They had already had several children together by this time, including their son, Julius August Walter von Goethe (1789–1830), whose wife, Ottilie von Pogwisch (1796–1872), cared for the elder Goethe until his death in 1832. His works include: four novels; epic and lyric poetry; prose and verse dramas; memoirs; an autobiography; literary and aesthetic criticism; and treatises on botany, anatomy, and colour. Douglas Miller, Karl August, Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, "Goethe und Carl August – Freundschaft und Politik", "The auto-biography of Goethe. 3. [38] He wrote several works on morphology, and colour theory. (In later years Goethe would bypass this problem by periodically authorizing "new, revised" editions of his Complete Works. "[63], Born into a Lutheran family, Goethe's early faith was shaken by news of such events as the 1755 Lisbon earthquake and the Seven Years' War. His other compositions inspired by Goethe include the overture Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage (Op. [105] He said in Scientific Studies: We conceive of the individual animal as a small world, existing for its own sake, by its own means. His focus on morphology and what was later called homology influenced 19th century naturalists, although his ideas of transformation were about the continuous metamorphosis of living things and did not relate to contemporary ideas of "transformisme" or transmutation of species. Carl Vogel: "Die letzte Krankheit Goethe's". The Federal Republic of Germany's cultural institution, the Goethe-Institut is named after him, and promotes the study of German abroad and fosters knowledge about Germany by providing information on its culture, society and politics. Although Goethe's great passion was drawing, he quickly became interested in literature; Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock and Homer were among his early favorites. Author of. Der »Dichterfürst« war zudem Staatsmann und beeinflusste die Kunst seiner Zeit. After being translated into English by Charles Eastlake in 1840, his theory became widely adopted by the art world, most notably J. M. W. The Frankfurt in which he was born and in which his social attitudes were formed was, as it is now, a wealthy commercial and financial centre, but it was also virtually a self-governing republic, a city-state within the Holy Roman Empire. His works include: four novels; epic and lyric poetry; prose and verse dramas; memoirs; an autobiography; literary and aesthetic criticism; and treatises on botany, anatomy, and colour. Goethe praised Francis Bacon for his advocacy of science based on experiment and his forceful revolution in thought as one of the greatest strides forward in modern science. His later spiritual perspective incorporated elements of pantheism (heavily influenced by Spinoza's thought),[64][66][75] humanism, and various elements of Western esotericism, as seen most vividly in part 2 of Faust. 8. Epigrams such as "Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him", "Divide and rule, a sound motto; unite and lead, a better one", and "Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must", are still in usage or are often paraphrased. Goethe embodied many of the contending strands in art over the next century: his work could be lushly emotional, and rigorously formal, brief and epigrammatic, and epic. His Faust, though eminently stageworthy when suitably edited, is also Europe’s greatest long poem since John Milton’s Paradise Lost, if not since Dante’s The Divine Comedy. It was Christiane who commanded and organized the defense of the house on the Frauenplan. From this milieu came Johann Georg Schlosser (who was later to become his brother-in-law) and Johann Heinrich Merck. In addition, numerous literary and scientific fragments, more than 10,000 letters, and nearly 3,000 drawings by him have survived. Already at this time, Goethe wrote a good deal, but he threw away nearly all of these works, except for the comedy Die Mitschuldigen. [64][65][66] He was one of the central figures in a great flowering of a highly influential Neo-Spinozism[67][68][69] which occurred in German philosophy and literature of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Schuler.[11]. In 1765, therefore, Goethe left home to study law in Leipzig. 2. edition. said Zelter. The literary estate of Goethe in the Goethe and Schiller Archives was inscribed on UNESCO's Memory of the World Register in 2001 in recognition of its historical significance.[103]. [citation needed] Along with Schiller, he was one of the leading figures of Weimar Classicism. [46], In 1810, Goethe published his Theory of Colours, which he considered his most important work. [97], Germaine de Staël, in De l'Allemagne (1813), presented German Classicism and Romanticism as a potential source of spiritual authority for Europe, and identified Goethe as a living classic. p. 343, Scientific Studies, Suhrkamp ed., vol. Frederick drew aside the sheet, and I was astonished at the divine magnificence of the limbs. In the drawing academy run by Adam Friedrich Oeser—friend and teacher of the art historian Johann Winckelmann, then living in Rome—Goethe indirectly became one of Winckelmann’s disciples. Er bemühte sich um eine Position im Frankfurter Rathaus; doch er wurde abgelehnt. [15] Several of his poems, like "Willkommen und Abschied", "Sesenheimer Lieder" and "Heidenröslein", originate from this time. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [28.8.1749-22.3.1832] [1] Johann Wolfgang von Goethe se narodil roku 1749 v dobře situované rodině ve Frankfurtu nad Mohanem. "[78], Politically, Goethe described himself as a "moderate liberal. 8. Goethe’s mother, Catharina Elisabeth Textor (1731–1808), was one of the daughters of Frankfurt’s most senior official and was a lively woman closer in age to her son than to her husband. "[79][80][81] He was critical of the radicalism of Bentham and expressed sympathy for the prudent liberalism of François Guizot. During the course of his trip Goethe met and befriended the artists Angelica Kauffman and Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, as well as encountering such notable characters as Lady Hamilton and Alessandro Cagliostro (see Affair of the Diamond Necklace). During the years at Weimar before he met Schiller he began Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, wrote the dramas Iphigenie auf Tauris (Iphigenia in Tauris), Egmont, Torquato Tasso, and the fable Reineke Fuchs. In May 1772 he once more began the practice of law at Wetzlar. Goethe's comments and observations form the basis of several biographical works, notably Johann Peter Eckermann's Conversations with Goethe (1836). He said he "turned reality into poetry but his friends thought poetry should be turned into reality and the poem imitated." The phrase Goethe uses is "Mischmasch von Irrtum und Gewalt", in his "Zahme Xenien" IX. In 1919, the world premiere complete production of Faust was staged at the Goetheanum. Johann Wolfgang Goethe wurde am 28. During his first meeting with Napoleon in 1808, the latter famously remarked: "Vous êtes un homme (You are a man)! "Yes", answered Goethe, "... but what your pupil already accomplishes, bears the same relation to the Mozart of that time that the cultivated talk of a grown-up person bears to the prattle of a child. "And yet you heard Mozart in his seventh year at Frankfurt?" [62] According to Nietzsche, Goethe had "a kind of almost joyous and trusting fatalism" that has "faith that only in the totality everything redeems itself and appears good and justified. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Biography by Zoran Minderovic + Follow Artist. If I tire of her as a girl, she'll play the boy for me as well". For other uses, see, 18th/19th-century German writer, artist, and politician, In 1998, both of these sites, together with nine others, were designated a, Catharina was the daughter of Johann Wolfgang Textor, sheriff (. Frankfurt am Main: Elhunyt: 1832. március 22. In many respects, he was the originator of many ideas which later became widespread. He had a lively devotion to theater as well and was greatly fascinated by puppet shows that were annually arranged in his home; this is a recurrent theme in his literary work Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. Referat Johann Wolfgang von Goethe von Julia Grauer Mai 2005 „Denn, was man schwarz auf weiß besitzt, kann man getrost nach Hause tragen.“ Faust I He would argue that Classicism was the means of controlling art, and that Romanticism was a sickness, even as he penned poetry rich in memorable images, and rewrote the formal rules of German poetry. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, (born August 28, 1749, Frankfurt am Main [Germany]—died March 22, 1832, Weimar, Saxe-Weimar), German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theatre director, critic, and amateur artist, considered the greatest German literary figure of the modern era. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe und die Romantik Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "Wenn du eine weise Antwort verlangst, musst du vernünftig fragen." [5] Nietzsche wrote, "Four pairs it was that did not deny themselves to my sacrifice: Epicurus and Montaigne, Goethe and Spinoza, Plato and Rousseau, Pascal and Schopenhauer. Entitled Götz von Berlichingen, the work went directly to the heart of Goethe's contemporaries. [83] Goethe sympathized with the American Revolution and later wrote a poem in which he declared "America, you're better off than our continent, the old. Some well-known quotations are often incorrectly attributed to Goethe. [32][citation needed], Goethe was fascinated by Kalidasa's Abhijñānaśākuntalam, which was one of the first works of Sanskrit literature that became known in Europe, after being translated from English to German.[33]. Bug Yoda 3,522 views. 4:00. Goethe noted in his diary: "Fires, rapine, a frightful night... Preservation of the house through steadfastness and luck." The barricading of the kitchen and the cellar against the wild pillaging soldiery was her work. [102] He emphasized Goethe's "cultural and self-developing individualism", humanism, and cosmopolitanism.[102]. In acel moment Faust face un pact cu diavolul : diavolul face tot ceea ce ii spune Faust sa faca atat timp cat diavolul este pe pamant, iar in schimb Faust ii spune ca il va servi in iad. These include Hippocrates' "Art is long, life is short", which is echoed in Goethe's Faust and Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832) was a German writer and statesman. Český-jazyk.cz - ČTENÁŘSKÝ DENÍK - výběr z děl od spisovatele: Johann Wolfgang Goethe In a couple of weeks the biography was reworked into a colourful drama. Zu seinen Lei… : Bernhardt, Rüdiger: Erläuterungen zu Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Die Leiden des jungen Werther Prof. Dr. sc. [3] Goethe was ennobled in 1782 (this being indicated by the "von" in his name). In the literary culture of the German-speaking countries, he has had so dominant a position that, since the end of the 18th century, his writings have been described as “classical.”. Title: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. August 1749 in Frankfurt am Main geboren. Johann Wolfgang Goethe Jeden z největších světových básníků, mnohostranný umělec, myslitel a vědec se narodil 28. [78] August Wilhelm Schlegel considered Goethe "a heathen who converted to Islam. In the literary culture of the German-speaking countries, he has had so dominant a position that, since the end of the 18th century, his writings have been described as “classical.” In a European perspective he appears as the central and unsurpassed representative of the Romantic movement, broadly understood. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. [19][20], In 1776, Goethe formed a close relationship to Charlotte von Stein, an older, married woman. His emotional state became hectic, and his health gave way—he may have suffered an attack of tuberculosis—and in September 1768 he returned home to Frankfurt without a degree. In Strasbourg, Goethe met Johann Gottfried Herder. [89][88] Although often requested to write poems arousing nationalist passions, Goethe would always decline. ... Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Der Zauberlehrling - … Narodil se 28.8. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe[a] (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832) was a German writer and statesman. The breast was powerful, broad, and arched; the arms and thighs were elegant, and of the most perfect shape; nowhere, on the whole body, was there a trace of either fat or of leanness and decay. His writings were immediately influential in literary and artistic circles. [98] Goethe met with her and her partner Benjamin Constant, with whom he shared a mutual admiration. Goethe was one of the very few figures of Germany’s 18th-century literary renaissance who were, in the full sense of the term, bourgeois. Goethe finished Faust Part Two in the year of his death, and the work was published posthumously. (82 évesen) Weimar: Sírhely: Weimarer Fürstengruft: Nemzetiség: német: Szülei: Johann Caspar Goethe és Catharina Elisabeth Textor: Házastársa : Christiane Vulpius: Gyermekei: August von Goethe: P She was emotionally distraught at the time, but they were eventually reconciled.[21]. The French "spoon guards", the least disciplined soldiers, occupied Goethe's house: The 'spoon guards' had broken in, they had drunk wine, made a great uproar and called for the master of the house. Later, a facet of its plot, i.e., of selling one's soul to the devil for power over the physical world, took on increasing literary importance and became a view of the victory of technology and of industrialism, along with its dubious human expenses. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832) was a German poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, theatre director, critic, and amateur artist. The short epistolary novel, Die Leiden des jungen Werthers, or The Sorrows of Young Werther, published in 1774, recounts an unhappy romantic infatuation that ends in suicide. Arnold Bergsträsser, "Goethe's View of Christ", Gálik, Marián (1975), "Two Modern Chinese Philosophers on Spinoza (Some Remarks on Sino-German Spinoza's '. 12, p. 121; trans. [3], A literary celebrity by the age of 25, Goethe was ennobled by the Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Karl August, in 1782 after taking up residence in Weimar in November 1775 following the success of his first novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774). Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was one of the rare giants of world literature. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe je ne-li největším spisovatelem německého jazyka všech dob, pak zaručeně nejslavnějším. In 1823, having recovered from a near fatal heart illness, the 74-year-old Goethe fell in love with the teenaged Ulrike von Levetzow whom he wanted to marry, but because of the opposition of her mother he never proposed. The author W. Daniel Wilson [de] claims that Goethe engaged in negotiating the forced sale of vagabonds, criminals, and political dissidents as part of these activities.[22]. Rüdiger Bernhardt lehrte neuere und neueste deutsche sowie skandinavische Literatur an Universitäten des In- und Auslandes. The first part was published in 1808 and created a sensation. Goethe's original draft of a Faust play, which probably dates from 1773–74, and is now known as the Urfaust, was also published after his death.[36]. Eckermann closes his famous work, Conversations with Goethe, with this passage: The morning after Goethe's death, a deep desire seized me to look once again upon his earthly garment. As his studies did not progress, Goethe was forced to return to Frankfurt at the close of August 1768. ), but this is disputed as Vogel was not in the room at the moment Goethe died. 1: Briefe der Jahre 1764–1786. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe se narodil v dobře situované a vážené rodině ve Frankfurtu n. M. Studoval v Lipsku a Strasbourgu, kde se potkal s J. G. Hezdrem, filozofem, spisovatelem, literárním vědcem, s nímž stál u zrodu hnutí Sturm und Drang (Bouře a vzdor). Berühmt ist auch Goethes Farbenlehre. The Lover’s Caprice), begun in 1767. In 1791 he was made managing director of the theatre at Weimar, and in 1794 he began a friendship with the dramatist, historian, and philosopher Friedrich Schiller, whose plays he premiered until Schiller's death in 1805. Truth and poetry: from my own life", "A meeting of genius: Beethoven and Goethe, July 1812", "The Emergence of the Idea of Evolution in the Time of Goethe", "The Experiment as Mediator between Subject and Object", "The Theory of Knowledge Implicit in Goethe's World Conception", the only Latin book he had ever seen me reading, "The literary estate of Goethe in the Goethe and Schiller Archives", "Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla: Biography of a Genius", "Goethe and the Science of the Enlightenment", Works by or about Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Works by and about Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in University Library JCS Frankfurt am Main: Digital Collections Judaica, Free scores of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's texts, Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen, Anthony Ulrich, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe&oldid=995706691, 18th-century German dramatists and playwrights, 19th-century German dramatists and playwrights, Members of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Members of the Zentrale Dombauverein zu Köln von 1842, Articles with Encyclopædia Britannica links, Articles with German-language sources (de), Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from July 2017, Articles with incomplete citations from May 2020, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2017, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Botanist identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Léonore identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with RKDartists identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with TDVİA identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 22 December 2020, at 13:28.

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