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buddha vs jesus

Some time after one would reach a state of happiness and bliss (known as Nirvana) where you will no longer be reborn into a life of suffering. Is Contemplative Prayer A Legitimate Approach To God. Either way the earliest source comes 300 to 400 years after his life. Setting: A street in NYC in 2009. Jesus vs Buddha. He taught He had the authority to forgive sins (Matthew 9:6), that we need to be born again in Him (John 3:3), that we should be water baptized, and that we will be rewarded in the afterlife according to our works for His Kingdom on judgment day (Matthew 16:27). Please review our current Faith Groups list for information on which faith groups are considered to be Christian faiths. It was nasty and I couldn't tell anyone. I'm a 15 year old who was never bad or did wrong. Looking At Revelation 1:14-15, Popular Atheist Blogger, Leah Libresco, Converts to Christianity, New Study Finds Meditation Is Mentally & Emotionally Dangerous. He taught that in order to eliminate suffering from one’s life, one had to let go of desire, and in turn live a life of moderation and self control. Life is just one big koan! Buddha insisted that he was not divine, and that his problem with life was suffering of people and even animals. Tohoma. Both of them desire of making the world better, letting people love together and giving happiness to all the people in the world. Christ gives hope! Buddha vs Jesus Type of Differenc:Buddhism vs Christianity 1. Buddha (c. 563–c. He really loves you. They emphasized wisdom, compassion, lovingkindness, and personal transformation. On the other hand Jesus was a monotheist (he believed in one God), and accepted the Old Testament understanding as authoritative. I felt better and things started better for my family as well. Even one atheist historian admits that: “It may be taken as historically certain that Peter and the disciples had experiences after Jesus’s death in which Jesus appeared to them as the risen Christ.” (11). On that note such cannot be said for the Buddha since centuries elapsed before our first written texts appear. “Debunking Christianity” Writer Becomes Christian Because Of Evidence, Was Jesus Black? Some of the miracles ascribed to him seem obviously mythological such as his ability to shape shift to different sizes, walk through mountains, and use telepathy and divine seeing. Zen offers a frustrating dead-end, just like the lives that make no sense. So many Americans are in a numbed condition, without confidence, empty, despondent, and hopeless. He only pointed the way to nirvana whereas Jesus opened the door to heaven. How different from Christianity! Rather, he encouraged finding the truth yourself through meditation. Christians believe that he was the Messiah promised in the Old Testament and that he was the son of God. Do it for the love that awaits you for repenting to God. Every day I struggled. How does the Buddha fare with regards to miracles? Jesus was just a philosopher who urged men to be selfless. The Buddha once responded to a request for miracles by saying, “I dislike, reject and despise them,” and then refused to comply with the request (6). The Buddha rejected the existence of God, and said that that was irrelevant to the notion of suffering (2). The Buddha encouraged people to follow his teachings: the noble eightfold path. Not accepted as a prophet, the Jewish people are still waiting for a Messiah to come. Christianity and Buddhism are two very prominent religions dating back from early years up until today. Buddha during his last hours tells his disciple Annanta that neither is he the first Buddha … In 1960 a theologian by the name of Paul Tillich visited Japan, and in conversation with some Buddhist scholars, he asked that: “If some historian should make it probable that a man of the name Gautama never lived, what would be the consequence for Buddhism?”. Heaven or Hell. Jesus’ solution is to repent, love God and other humans, believe on him as the Saviour through faith, as well as to keep the Ten Commandments. No weapons. It is not uncommon to see Buddhists in the west raise all sorts of skepticism about the historicity of the life and teachings of Jesus while taking as a given the basic traditional narrative of the life and teachings of Buddha. As one prominent New Testament historian comments: “Whatever you think about the philosophical possibility of miracles of healing, it’s clear that Jesus was widely reputed to have done them” (4). Eventually, you can reach a state of happiness and bliss called Nirvana where you will no longer be reborn into a life of suffering. That amounts to +- 12 authors who had authored some 27 books within 60 years of Jesus’ life. God loves us all. After this he took three giant steps and arrived in Tavatimsa. Take Jesus out of the equation then the Christian faith goes with it. However, such a possibility of Jesus being a fraud can be dismissed, for the reasons above, and because he went to his gory, bloody, and excruciating painful death by crucifixion as a result of his self-proclamation and ministry. In this video a Buddhist contrasts Christian and Buddhist philosophies by narrating two stories about death. (exact dates or even years of Gautama’s life are unknown). That deep v… Contrast this with the God of the Bible, who came into this world Himself in the person of His Son to suffer on the cross, to embrace pain and suffering for the sake of humanity. Buddha give you a ride on his motorcycle. I tried fighting my addiction by my self but it was of and on. The philosophy of Gautama, which we now know as Buddhism, developed slowly over the years. He had never ordered us or forced us to do things but instead he taught us to do so. For evidence that Jesus really lived, died, and rose again on the third day, as recorded in the Bible, consider checking out the updated Evidence that Demands a … However, Jesus’ tomb was found to be empty, and this is affirmed by the majority of scholars: “In fact in a bibliographical survey of over 2,200 publications on the resurrection in English, French and German since 1975, the researcher Gary Habermas found that 75 percent of scholars accepted the historicity of the discovery of Jesus’ empty tomb” (10). Conclusion. At another time he allegedly performed the twin miracle whereby he produced flames from the upper part of his body and streams of water from the lower part of his body. There are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments to be had in Saint Oniisan: Jesus goes to a local convenience store only to be mistaken for Johnny Depp by giggling high school girls.Buddha’s zen-like calm on a hectic rollercoaster earns awe and admiration from punters at a theme park. refuge in the. Buddha possessed miraculous powers or special powers but these powers have no relevance to humans. The sources we have for the historical Jesus far surpasses that of what we have for Buddha in its earliness and abundance. He has his arms wide open for you right now. Forum Posts. Qi Energy Healing: What Does The Bible Say? What It Is All About A method of right living and self-guided mind control via meditation modeled by Buddha. corytheblob. Many Hindus believe that the Buddha was a reincarnation of Vishnu, just like Krishna. The Buddha is believed to have attained nibbana. User Lists: 0 #1 Edited By Tohoma. My parents were going through a lot and some of my family died. 1672 Words 7 Pages. The Buddha made no claim to special inspiration or revelation from any divine source. I found love and good things started happening. In Islam as opposed Christianity, Jesus was just a prophet but also revered as the messiah who will return to save the world from the tyranny of the anti-christ. From this we can be historically sure of what the earliest followers of Jesus thought of him as such a short time span between the real life events of Jesus’ ministry and the time at which the Pauline epistles and Gospel accounts were penned is just too short for unhistorical elements to embellish the historical core. Christianity does not mention the Buddha. So, he never told us that we must be vegetarians or not. For Jesus it is sin that is at the center of the human predicament particularly because sin is the deliberate rejection of God’s righteous ways. Buddha walked away from his son and from pain. I made A's and B's. He doesn't care what you did In the past or who you are. Who wins? i would half to say they are bolth pretty good. The world or Jesus. Both the Buddha and Jesus died, Buddha was cremated and Jesus was crucified. Salvation comes through Him alone and those who are not born again in Him and don’t repent of their unbelief and sinful nature will not inherit eternal life (John 3:18). I was scared to sleep at night and I didn't do good in school. Z. P. Thundy has surveyed the similarities and differences between the birth stories of Buddha by Maya and Jesus by Mary and notes that while there are similarities such as virgin birth, there are also differences, e.g. There are also other miracle accounts that are alleged to have happened such as his ability to multiply into a million and then return to normal, he could travel through space, he could make himself as big as a giant and then as small as an ant. That is indisputable on historical grounds and is widely supported by modern scholarship. There was never a Buddhist Inquisition. Buddha (Siddhārtha Gautama) insisted he was human and that there is no almighty, benevolent God. Don't repent soon do it now. Buddhism believes in in reincarnation until one achieves enlightenment and "nibbana" (or "nirvana") after which one escapes the cycle of birth and death. Accept true happiness. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Jesus said (Luke 6:46), “Why call me Lord, Lord and not do the things which I say” How does a person follow him? Jesus said: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." Christ was born in Bethlehem in present-day Palestine. Jesus was known to be a miracle worker by followers, foes and the surrounding people in villages. © Reasons For Jesus | All rights reserved, Desire & Suffering: Buddhism Vs Christianity, Pastor Healed From Permanent Voice Damage While Preaching. He taught that to eliminate suffering from your life, you have to let go of desire, and to live a life of moderation and self control, so that you do not harm other living things, including other people and animals. But we must tread the Path ourselves” (9). On a recent visit to a forum, a Buddhist participant brought out a list of parallels between Buddha and Jesus. If you accept him as personal Saviour for the forgiveness of your sins, you will inherit eternal life in God's Kingdom. Buddha vs Jesus. 563 Before Christ (BC) picture of Wat Phra Sing. They are also very early, and we find them in Q, L (special material for Luke), M (special material for Matthew), Mark, Matthew, Luke, John, and Paul’s epistles. Christ was the anointed one from eternity while the Siddhartha became the Buddha by searching and self discovery became illuminated. Roman Historian Thallus Mentions Darkness During Jesus’ Crucifixion. Particularly Angulimala, which means one who wears fingers like a garland. The only possible negation is that Jesus was some fraud of immense genius to fool thousands of people, his critics, and his followers whom suffered and died for him. He touched my heart and freed me of my lustful addiction. Following the Buddhacarita we have the Lalitavistara Sūtra, Mahāvastu, and the Nidānakathā all of which come in 100 year increments. 0. He was a Galilean Jewish Rabbi who was regarded as a teacher and healer in Judaea. In Buddhism, I thought I had found what I was searching for. Make your choice now. He's always making a way for me and he can do it for you to. Does Chanting Mantras Cause You To Reach God? He was born in present-day Nepal roughly 500 years before Jesus Christ (Jesus of Nazareth).

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• 30. Dezember 2020

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