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difficult conversations with teachers scenarios

Tough conversations with colleagues and subordinates are an unfortunate but necessary aspect of leadership. Sheila Conway is the co-director of teacher education at the University of Pittsburgh. Conversations around artifacts help the teacher, he learned that she was on meds from illness (and had prescriptions to prove it). Peer Pressure Scenario Task Cards ... - Teachers Pay Teachers Ryan has been a difficult student since coming to school in Kindergarten and now in Year 5 his aggressive behaviour to other students and teachers has resulted in Our end goal as teachers is to support the academic and social growth of our young students so they can go on to build happy lives. Collect the scenario papers back. Open the conversation. Spend some time thinking ahead about how you will react to strong emotions. Challenge you own assumptions and beliefs. Difficult Teachers Todd Whitaker Indiana State University (812) 237-2904 Twitter: @ToddWhitaker . The Leadership Scenarios 1 Conducting difficult conversations 2 Step 1. A conversation implies that at least two people are talking with and listening to each other. Should the principal simply report back to the parent or facilitate a conversation between the teacher and the parent? Reduce the Need for a Difficult Conversation: Prevent Conflict in the First Place. To help you head off potential problems before they arise or successfully deal with them if they do, we've outlined some typical parent-teacher conflicts and paired them with action plans. 1. The SCF Model™ aims to help the mentee and the mentor get as much value-for-time in the mentoring meeting. A summary of Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen (1999), Difficult conversations: how to discuss what matters most. Reduce the Need for a Difficult Conversation: Prevent Conflict in the First Place. As a manager, I had no idea how to handle my first disruptive teammate. Tackle personality clashes. Students will be able to acknowledge one another's complicated feelings about race. PDF Scenarios - Understanding student beahviour Difficult conversations with parents Here she discusses using Teacher Moments simulations in her class. PDF discussion guide difficult conversations - LeanIn.Org Mursion puts learners in 1:1 training simulations with human-powered avatars to practice difficult and high stakes conversations. 2. I trained a school leadership team of 7 on how to have more successful difficult conversations. difficult conversations with teachers scenarios Teacher Scenario 3: You have a firm policy against cell phones in class. everyone talking at the beginning of the meeting before more difficult conversations are introduced. Situations Involving Community and Family Scenario 1 - Teacher Public Behavior 25 Scenario 2 - Student Confidentiality 28 Scenario 3 - Teacher Using Position for Personal Gain 31 IV. What to Say Deal with personal problems. Leadership is the . Read More. Difficult conversations are scary because the stakes are high and there is a real cost of failure, raising everyone's defenses. You might recognise some hedgehog behaviour in your staff: defensive, While the thought of having difficult conversations might be daunting , by preparing for them, you'll be confident to handle them in a timely and professional manner. Take some time to think about how you would respond during difficult conversations. Unlikely Teachers: Finding the Hidden Gifts in Daily Conflict, by Judy Ringer The Magic of Conflict, by Thomas F. Crum Difficult Conversations, by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen The authors describe the philosophy and pedagogical approach of an innovative educational program, grounded in principles of relational learning and designed to improve the preparedness of health care professionals for engaging in challenging conversations with patients and families. Difficult conversations are anything we find hard to talk about with another person. These two different Task Cards variations contain the same scenarios. Guide to difficult conversations with staff | The Key for ... Teacher 1 presents a position of low-expectations about certain students in the . . Strategies to use during conversations with families. PDF Difficult conversations - Optimus Education Given that the field of education is generally located as a space to . For this to occur, I offer a range of ways for teachers to engage in literacy events. The Scenario Task Cards can be used as part of a larger lesson, in guided small groups, whole-class discussions, partner discussion before sharing out with the larger group or class, or even one-on-one with a teacher, guidance counselor, or parent/guardian! When having difficult conversations with teachers, fail to connect how the undesired behavior or lack of performance is affecting building overall and the mission of the district. This video illustrates strategies to address one of the common challenges faced by new principals - handling difficult conversations. From parent-teacher conferences to the staffroom, teaching or orientation, a teacher's life is full of challenging verbal communications. Most everyone dreads the difficult, challenging conversation. Managing difficult conversations with your colleagues Dealing with difficult colleagues can be challenging. Having Difficult Conversations with Parents Designed and delivered by: Joyce Odidison, M.A., PCC. Handling Difficult Conversations Guidance, Tips and Best Practices. 8. Present your side of the story. The Courageous Conversation Compass13 . That could include practicing having a difficult conversation with a parent or preparing for a teacher-principal conference. Students will be able to develop a shared understanding of the basic facts surrounding the events in Ferguson. to keep the conversation going and ways the mentee can finish the mentoring conversation. Be mindful how you act at office functions. You will use these as warmups for the rest of the unit. Head Start and Early Head Start program staff can use this resource to partner with families. Each pair performs a role play for the class. 1. This difficult behavior used to be very infrequent, and her excellent work made up for it. To make private difficult conversations with teachers scenarios to one another or carry on another meeting with their neighbor t stand anymore! That event, which almost spurred parents to file charges with police authorities, drew my attention to the need to revisit our plans for indoor recess on inclement days. 3. Determine the purpose of the conversation. Along with the child avatars of different ages and personalities, the program provides scenarios that teachers will encounter with adults. All of this is made more complex when trying to engage in difficult conversations over email, where differing perceptions are exacerbated and clear communication is critical. Engage in the Difficult Conversation (3') with colleague supporting the nature of the teacher in the scenario and the observer noting what he/she see and hears. 3. The Teaching Negotiation Resource Center (TNRC) has a new simulation to help students learn how to successfully engage in difficult conversations over email: Rose Lane . Even though the students won't be surprised anymore, they will love it and will learn from the modeled situations. Teacher 1 behaves in a passive-aggressive manner. Then think of other scenarios to role play. Situations Involving Community and Family Scenario 1 - Teacher Public Behavior 25 Scenario 2 - Student Confidentiality 28 Scenario 3 - Teacher Using Position for Personal Gain 31 IV. Cultivate a learning and feedback culture 4 Encouraging collaboration for continual improvement 4 Establishing a common language for feedback 5 Establishing clear behavioural expectations for staff 5 Step 2. How can the strengths you listed calm students and diffuse tension, yet avoid shutting down the conversation? When an incident happens—cheating, back talk, teasing/bullying, fighting, disruptions, etc.—make note of it immediately.It may require you to interrupt your lesson for a minute, but it will spare you some grief later on when you're trying to remember exactly what happened ( I kept a separate notebook in my desk for such occasions). The questions and conversation-starters in each scenario aim to open the conversation between the mentor and the mentee. A summary of Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen (1999), Difficult conversations: how to discuss what matters most. Difficult conversations with parents and family members can be well…difficult. Specifically, student-athletes are not equipped to communicate their concerns and often struggle to initiate difficult conversations with coaches, professors, and adminis-trators (Grisham, 2017). They provide a step-by-step approach to having difficult conversations that includes: Deciphering the underlying structure of every difficult conversation Starting a conversation without defensiveness Listening for the . Rotate the role of initiator, colleague, and observer. Difficult conversations are scary because the stakes are high and there is a real cost of failure, raising everyone's defenses. Difficult conversations often have to happen because better conversations didn't. People need to experience a 4:1 ratio of positive/encouraging interactions to challenging interactions in order to avoid feeling threatened or overly criticized. It's most useful to help you or your team prepare for unfamiliar or difficult situations. Administrators, too, can end up having difficult conversations with all of these audiences. To be effective, educators utilizing role-play must help learners set realistic goals and know when and how to provide feedback to the learners in a way that . . "Teachers may also have to have difficult conversations with students — about classroom behavior, for example," said Douglas Stone, co-author of Difficult Conversations and a lecturer on law at Harvard Law School. We use these scenarios to practice role playing and confronting racism in conversation Also - You can generate Scenarios from the Yo, is this Racist? Nevertheless, three weeks into the semester, a student's cell phone rings and she/he answers it and has a 1 minute conversation When it comes to having difficult conversations with parents there are a few which seem to come up, time after time, school after school: 4. Sarason (1993) notes, when teachers are nurtured as learners, they, in turn, nurture the learners in their classrooms. For example, you can use it to practice sales meetings, interviews, presentations , or emotionally difficult conversations, such as when you're . DIFFICULT CONVERSATION SCENARIOS Roles and Responsibilities • Initiator—the person to initiate the difficult conversation. Scenario 1: "It's getting out of control" . For the sake of . Difficult Conversation #6: Closing a Full Classroom. Part of the challenge lies in the fact that we never fully know which issues will be "hot buttons" for our students. When a teacher leaving a school can be a win/win. Without an established connection, it may be difficult to address concerns you have about a child. Mursion relies on a talented, trained, certified, and diverse team of Simulation Specialists from around the globe to deliver its simulations. Once name tags are decorated, participants will but often make the mistake of prolonging or intensifying the problem rather than restricting or resolving it. There are a number of reasons that make certain conversations difficult and an easy conversation can become a difficult conversation very quickly. Steps to prepare for conversations with families about challenging topics. There are also times when it is important not to engage in a difficult conversation and let it go. Students will be able to establish a safe space for holding difficult conversations. Handling Difficult Conversations Guidance, Tips and Best Practices. So, in the nature of imperfection and lessons learned, allow me to offer the following suggestions to help this process: 1. They provide a step-by-step approach to having difficult conversations that includes: Deciphering the underlying structure of every difficult conversation Starting a conversation without defensiveness Listening for the . Ask students to switch scenarios with 3 different pairs. Resources. Communicating Good News and Difficult News to Parents: Addressing Common Challenging Parent-Teacher Scenarios Jonathan Wolff % COMPLETE $35 Infant Environment Deep Dive Available until . Plan the exchange. How to Handle Difficult Conversations with Employees: Ideas and 10 Examples. Read More. Role play the conversation for the set time limit. Background/Context: Recent racial incidents on college and high school campuses throughout the United States have catalyzed a growing conversation around issues of race and racism. C. Tensions with School Board 1. Have the conversation sooner rather than later. Try not to come out of role for the entire time. Don't be afraid to use humor. It's very unlikely that a teacher will have had any formal training in managing difficult conversations, but it is a really important process to get right. Consequently, the observer's remarks provided no clues Ask two students (two of the more difficult ones, of course) to role play how you should have handled that situation. These scenarios were generated from real life stories that happened to us or people we know. Both parties may experience feelings of anger, fear, frustration, and confusion, along with a sense of inadequacy, as they try to talk about challenges a child is facing. All it takes is good communication skills and a little tact. In the last post, we examined making connections and . You have grown increasingly frustrated by being shut down when you ask a question. Subscribe to receive it! Supervisors and managers can also be used in training, meetings, and individual conversations with staff. Tough Conversations with Parents. Let parents know that for the safety of children and to ensure quality in the classroom, your numbers have reached capacity and the classroom needs to be closed. Plan the exchange. Set a time limit for the role play which allows for a . Although it is not a requirement for the teacher to be present or lead during activities like large and small group, it is often the case that the teacher takes on this role; whereas in free play or recess teachers may be less available (Innocenti et al., 1986) or children may have fewer opportunities to engage in conversation with teachers . Difficult conversations often have to happen because better conversations didn't. People need to experience a 4:1 ratio of positive/encouraging interactions to challenging interactions in order to avoid feeling threatened or overly criticized. Investigate complaints/deal with grievances. Students are splitting up and begin to leverage various communication with the.! This post originally appeared in my newsletter. discussion at the end of the role play. 5.) Situations Involving Bullying Introduction to Situations Involving Bullying 34 Building your own conversational skills is good professional practice. Role - You will be playing the role of Teacher 1 based on the scenario outlined. Have the conversation sooner rather than later teacher doesn't want to talk to students anymore. The use of role-play in small groups is an important method to help learners cultivate the skills required to engage in nuanced, often difficult conversations with seriously ill patients. If you listen to your counterpart with Saying the right thing •"Not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult, to leave unsaid If you listen to your counterpart with When teacher/student ratios are exceeded in a classroom, kids aren't safe anymore-and volunteers aren't happy. Having Difficult Conversations with Employees (Scenarios) - Actionable Advice By Stuart Hearn on 28 Jun, 2018 By now, we all know that effec­tive per­for­mance man­age­ment neces­si­tates reg­u­lar one-to-one check-ins. "In special education, for example, you work with such a variety of people . With this scenario in mind we can apply the same three questions to the change in behavior we are attempting to put in place to control a few difficult staff 2 Ingredients of Difficult Conversations Differing Perceptions These conversations exist alongside ongoing concerns about the lack of attention given to race and racism in the official school curriculum. Role-playing takes place between two or more people, who act out roles to explore a particular scenario. The coupon code you entered is expired or invalid, but the course is still available! Virtual world simulation has become widely SAMPLE SCENARIOS & MANAGER TIP SHEET . Your school year is in full swing. I recently experienced this myself when my . Conversation examples and Scripts the scenarios are drawn from our book teacher … 6 coaching examples! Prepare for the difficult conversation (2') All 3 members of the triad prepare. In addition, the first example provided the math teacher with positive, yet very vague feedback about her teaching. . Present your side of the story. mentoring scenarios and identify the types of questions you would or could ask, in your role as a mentor. (Jossey-Bass 2005). After each scenario, ask: "What was the situation?" Point out cultural norms, differences in formality, and useful phrases for each. Learning Objectives. Adopt the right approach. 1. School leadership consultant Edward Gildea talks about the common issues that you may face and how best to approach with them They call it the hedgehog. How to Call or Contact Parents: Suggestions and Script. Refer back to Difficult Conversations: A Self-Assessment. 5. Many line managers go into difficult conversations with very good intentions . How we do it. Recognise and manage your emotional state. teacher doesn't want to talk to students anymore. 8.) 2 2 It is important to understand that an employee's . Use the strategies in Responding to Strong Emotions (found on page 19) to develop a plan. With your group members, role play this scenario and discuss its implications for the student, for the teacher, and for the family member. Scenario 3 - Teacher Documentation 22 III. This may be challenging when some of your colleagues say things out-of . 7.) Provide an opportunity for preparation. This includes conversations in which we have to deliver unpleasant news, discuss a delicate subject, or talk about something that . Laura LeClair % COMPLETE $35 . Sonia Gill, an expert in such talk, explains how to make the best of them If you're like some of the school leaders I've met, you'll find difficult conversations tend to come at you from every angle many times a day. One literacy event is sharing literacy artifacts. However, preparing teachers to effectively engage students in these, and other "difficult conversations," is an important unmet need in many teacher preparation programs. Prepare for the difficult conversation 6 The scenarios are drawn from our book Teacher Talk! Here are some tips to get you feeling prepared and in the right frame of mind. The first "conversation" was not really a conversation at all. For each scenario, there is a boxed section containing 'Key Points'. What we do. The Scenarios There are 10 scenarios in this handbook. 6. pushing with your words is like pushing with your hands If you "push" with words, you will get push back from your counterpart. Scenario 3 - Teacher Documentation 22 III. Scenario Five At a local restaurant on a Friday night while you are having dinner with your family, a parent comes up to your table and begins discussing her child's behavior in your class. The Program to … Soon after I took over this K-3 school, a first-grade boy "stabbed" another child with a pencil during an indoor recess. Comfort or reassure someone - for example, if they're going to be made redundant. How to Have Difficult Conversations with Parents Available until . The work environment was becoming less and less psychologically safe; the rest of the team had started to work from home more to avoid being yelled at by her. But, it's always good to reconnect with your intention for having the difficult conversation in the first place. People call in with questions that would be really easy to turn into role… Culture is defined in any way you want to define it. Knowing when to expand a conversation - by seeking clarification and gaining . Adopt the right approach. Conversations can become heated very quickly, and before long, it can feel like the class is careening out of control. Open the conversation. GO!! Primary School 1. You have grown increasingly frustrated by being shut down when you ask a question. Teacher Scenario 3: You have a firm policy against cell phones in class. Situations Involving Bullying Introduction to Situations Involving Bullying 34 Scenarios: What would you do in one of the following situations as a new teacher? Challenge you own assumptions and beliefs. Difficult Conversations: To address any issues, you cannot rely on personal confidence and professional experience alone, or the relationship you have with your colleagues. Roleplaying Difficult Conversations. Few, if any, beginning teachers have opportunities to practice how to have "critical conversations" with students before they begin teaching. Sonia Gill outlines two common difficult conversations with parents and three common mistakes that can hinder teachers when trying to resolve sensitive issues. When I do this, I teach them the skills in the morning and, in the afternoon, I support them approaching a difficult conversation they have ahead of them. 6.) Scenario 3: Student with Disruptive Behavior Give specific examples Have specific examples of Elmer's successes in class along with clear and specific examples of ways that Elmer has been disruptive Use thoughtful language when transitioning from discussing strengths to Provide an opportunity for preparation. Conversations about a child who is struggling in school are stressful for parents and teachers. Her interpersonal skills and performance need to . Find out more and visit. Some questions encourage the mentee to think deeply about Nominate a class teacher (This is one of the script card options); 5. As a special education faculty member, I . edge and training on how to communicate difficult issues (Bolton, 2009; Patterson, 2002). How to Have Difficult Conversations with Parents Communicating Good News and Difficult News to Parents: Addressing Common Challenging Parent-Teacher Scenarios See Pricing off original price! Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most A High-Level Summary of the Book by Stone, Patton and Heen Office of Human Resources The Ohio State University 1590 N. High St. Suite 300 Columbus, OH 43201-2190 . But lately her work has deteriorated, and her behavior has become more and more difficult to work with. Difficult Classroom Situations Department TA Training Session September 25, 2009. This is a tricky one. There's a variety of topics that may lead to challenging conversations, for example to: Address poor performance or conduct. pushing with your words is like pushing with your hands If you "push" with words, you will get push back from your counterpart. Bringing Order to Indoor Recess Time. How I Handled. Making connections with families is crucial when working with students who may show signs of potential communication, behavioral, social, or academic concerns. For most teachers, leading classroom discussion on difficult topics is a perennial challenge. Recognise and manage your emotional state. Download the pdf version of We Have to Talk: A Step-By-Step Checklist for Difficult Conversations. If you've acted in a way that is . A teacher is the author of the language arts curriculum for their school. Warren Buffet says, "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to destroy it.". conversation, which, at times, annoys others. after the initial conversation about the problem with the student? Talking with Parents about Problems. By doing so, the teacher will be sure to think the difficult conversation is personal and be blind to the larger impact of their performance. When it comes to handling difficult conversations with employees - whether those be about performance, discipline or personal issues - there are a few steps you can take to avoid the dread of initiating these conversations. Nevertheless, three weeks into the semester, a student's cell phone rings and she/he answers it and has a 1 minute conversation Acknowledgments • Nearly everything in this presentation is lifted . Determine the purpose of the conversation. With a colleague, use the Difficult Conversation Role Play Scenarios to role play how you would engage in the conversations. 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difficult conversations with teachers scenarios